Interest Icons Post #3

Aug 15, 2010 23:56

It's about time we had another interest icons post! Just a few rules:

1. You can either tell me 3 of your interests (could be a celeb or a tv show or even stock) that you would like me to make OR you can ask for a suprise where I will look at your interests on your profile and choose which ones i want to icon. You can have any combination of these, for example you could opt for an icon of your favourite film, an icon of your fav singer and one suprise or 2 suprises and 1 chosen by you or all 3 suprises or all 3 chosen, it's up to you!
2. All icons will be SHAREABLE.
3. I'll close the request post in a couple of days.
That's it!

To request just copy & paste the following and comment/reply to this post:

Interests - MAX 3:(whatever you want iconed or if you want any of the icons to be a suprise just put 'suprise me' (e.g. titanic / gilmore girls / suprise me)



requests, interest icons

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