"Jitters! Jitters! JittersJittersJittersJittersJitters...!"
"No sir."
"Just ONE BITE!"
"No Sir, you signed a contract."
"I did NOT! I lied! My fingers were crossed!! JUST ONE BITE!!"
"No, Mister Buzzy."
"No Sir."
"I could just-"
"Sorry Sir."
"No you aren't! You hate it when I get anything good!"
"No Sir I don't, but you made me sign a contract too, remember? The 'Non-Comestiblation Enforcement Pact?"
"The one where it says that if I let you break your contract I would face 'Dire And Grotesque Consequences Too Numerous And Horrible To Mention'?"
"Oh, that one...well you can go ahead and tear it up. I didn't really mean it."
"But what about the 'Non-Contract-Tearage' contract? In that one you said -"
"Oh, just forget it! I'm not hungry anymore."
"That's good Sir."
"Can I at least buy her an ant farm?"
"Well can I?"
"I guess so..."
*typety typety*
"Wanted: one ant farm...used...large cracks no problem..."