Player Information
Name: Nekky
Personal LJ: necronomical
Age: 22
Contact Info: AIM: xnecronomical, PLURK:
nekkyOther Characters Played: NA
Character Information
Character Name: Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd / Speed
Character Series: Marvel Comics / Young Avengers
Character Age: 16
Character Gender: Male
Original Canon
Canon Point: Avengers: The Children's Crusade number 7
Background Link:
At Marvel Wikia,
At ComicvinePersonality: Tommy is an odd one. He's been described by Heinberg himself as a 'twisted little guy', and that generally holds true. He's not generally bothered by violence or property damage, and in fact, he'd cause a lot more if there weren't people around him wanting him to be a better person. Canon doesn't say when Tommy's parents divorced, but that, on top of a lot of other factors in his behavior, indicate he grew up with a rocky home life, or at the very least, parents that didn't know how to handle him when he was a child. Because of this, and a lot of factors, he has a very distinct personality.
Tommy is an attention-seeker. He always wants to be noticed, and he isn't shy about speaking up at all, "I'm alright if anyone cared" being a common line of his. Likely thanks to a less than ideal childhood, he doesn't seem to care what kind of attention he gets, as long as he gets it. Even negative attention is something, and if he's being ignored, he's not above acting obnoxiously or saying annoying things to make his presence known. He spent months in what was probably solitary confinement, so it's only understandable that he wants to make sure he's never forgotten again. This also means he only likes to be alone on his own terms. If he wants company, he wants company, and would react badly to forced alone time.
He's extremely energetic. Being a speedster, his energy is almost boundless, and it shows in his personality. He talks too fast to be understood when he's excited or in a hurry or upset, he's always rushing somewhere, and when he gets upset, he likes to run. If he's trapped or confined in a closed space, he gets anxious and fidgety, sometimes irritable even. In fact, he's generally easily irritated. His moods are mercurial, and change as quickly as he moves, though for the most part, he's amicable (though he gets frustrated easily - think of his entire life as waiting in line at the ATM behind a little old lady who takes half an hour to figure the damn machine out when he knows he could get his own done in two seconds and be out of there), and he'll talk on and on forever if you get him started - though there are subjects that he's notoriously close-mouthed about, namely his human parents and his time in juvie.
Tommy plays like he's macho and doesn't have a problem (or feeling) in the world, but in reality, most of that cockiness and brashness is just a front. He IS confident in his abilities, but I don't think he's always confident about himself socially. He does have feelings, no matter how hard he tries to deny them, he just doesn't know how to deal with them and thinks they make him look weak, so he hides them away and bottles them up to unhealthy levels. He's deeply affected by his time in juvie, and the boy Tommy might have been before is long buried, turned into a twisted, almost amoral young man who, because of the influence of the people around him, has tried to set himself on a path of redemption and heroism, a path he isn't always sure how to navigate. Though he has good intentions, generally, such as rescuing people at the Siege of Asgard, sometimes he does questionable things, such as following Wolverine's example and blowing up skrulls, despite the Young Avengers' 'no kill' policy. Family means a lot to him, even if he won't admit it, and he loves his twin brother dearly. As quick as he was to start calling Billy 'brother', it's likely that he's always wanted a sibling, or even felt like someone was missing from his childhood. His family wasn't much of a family growing up, so what little family he can get (the Young Avengers), he clings to desperately. On the topic of feelings, he also has pretty strong feelings for teammate Kate Bishop. Heinberg himself has specifically stated that 'he really, REALLY likes Kate', and it's possible that some of his desperation to do good comes from wanting to gain her approval.
On that note, he strongly desires approval from older male role models. This is especially prominent in Children's Crusade, where he's more than eager to believe Magneto when he says the twins are his grandsons, even though he's been denying the same thing to Billy's face for weeks. He seems positively THRILLED when Magneto states that Tommy is his new favorite grandson, and he's extremely excited and eager to meet Pietro and show off to his equally-speedy uncle. He actually seems a bit jealous that Pietro interacts with Billy more than him, and he was always trying to get Uncle Pete's attention. He also seems to be greatly comforted by some words of encouragement from Clint Barton in Siege. His human father probably wasn't around much when he was a child, so he longs for the approval and love of a male role model - he WANTS a father figure in his life, he wants to be part of a family who cares about him, even if he won't admit it.
All in all, Tommy Shepherd is a kid still, a kid who never really got the chance to be a kid. It shows in the way he acts, sometimes more adult than his years, and sometimes like a sugar-high five year old in a candy store. He can be difficult, obnoxious, and hard to handle, but inwardly, he just wants somewhere to belong, something to prove he isn't the living weapon that juvie tried to make him.
Abilities: Tommy is a speedster, as his codename suggests, which essentially means he runs really fast. His top speed is unknown, but he's bragged that he is "Quicksilver-fast", which means probably a top speed of around Mach 5 if he isn't lying. He's definitely reached the speed of sound, and he can run fast enough to cross over the top of bodies of water. In addition, he can accelerate and destabilize atomic matter, essentially vibrating the atoms of an object so fast that the object then explodes. His limit on this ability isn't known either, but it's likely he can't blow up very large objects without expending a hell of a lot of energy. He's blown up an entire school before, for example, but that's the only time we know about that he's done it on such a large scale. Usually he sticks to things like vaporizing doors, or blowing up Skrulls' heads. He has a fair amount of control over these abilities for a sixteen year old, likely because he was trained and shaped into becoming a living weapon when he was incarcerated. He can also accelerate his own matter, and the matter of others (he's done it with at least two 'passengers') to vibrate right through solid objects like walls, essentially phasing through. This ability, though, is canonically relatively new, and his control with it might not be perfect.
Sample Entry:
Post at A_Facility right here,
and another post from A_Facility. Let me know if you need more!