headcanon and notes

Jun 05, 2011 02:22

SO, taking this idea from Maggie. There is a LOT that isn't shown / discussed about Tommy in canon, so clearly in order to play him as more than a two-dimensional character, I've had to improvise a lot. This is my headcanon for him, which is all assumptions based on canon. If anything sounds blatantly wrong and you can back it up with page numbers or panels or interviews, please do tell me!


►Tommy's human parents are divorced, and have been since he was twelve.
►Neither of his parents were really all there. They weren't abusive, but they were mildly neglectful and didn't pay much attention to him.
►He was closer to his mother than his father, which is why he subconsciously seeks out older male role models (Magneto, Pietro, etc) and wants them to like him / be proud of him / be impressed with him.
►He has no siblings outside of Billy.
►His parents argued a lot up until and during their divorce, but physical abuse was never an issue.
►Tommy never really had any close friends as a child. His loud, annoying, attention-seeking behavior probably drove other kids away.
►He was a latchkey kid.
►He likely hated school. Teachers probably had a lot of trouble handling him in the classroom, and he was probably in detention / the counselor's office a lot.
►His hair used to be brown, but turned white when he was thirteen, because of his genetic mutation.
►The superspeed he discovered first.
►He blew up his school on accident, ultimately. It was on a very stressful day, though, when he was thirteen and heralded the emergence of his secondary ability - to vibrate and destabilize matter.
►His parents were horrified by what he had done, and this made them argue more. Tommy lived with his mother during the long trial, at least until the last few months when behavioral issues made the court hold him in a regular juvie facility (which wasn't horrible for him, he just fought with other kids a lot). 
►When he was sentenced to a juvenile detention facility for metahuman kids, his parents made no effort to get him paroled, and 'left him to rot in prison'. He never saw them after he was shipped off to the Springfield facility.

►Tommy was 14 when he was first shipped to juvie.
►He spent a couple months, give or take, in general population before the extent of his abilities and his temperament were really discovered.
►After a fight in which he blew up something big, he was put in high-security solitary confinement.
►The only people he had contact with during this time were guards that ignored him and doctors that he hated.
►He was experimented on in a top-secret project to turn him into a living weapon for the government.
►My take is that they were trying to pull a Department X, and saw Tommy as a potential mass-nuke that could be there and gone in seconds, so they tested him constantly, pushed him to develop his abilities, and probably cut him open once or twice.
►The few times he was cut open, the anesthesia wore off halfway through because of his fast metabolism, so he was awake for at least parts of it.
►All of this means that he CANNOT stand doctors, hospitals, or white sterileness.
►He still has anger issues, as these were probably fostered while in super-juvie to make him a more effective nuke.

►He could use some anger management.
►He has poor impulse control.
►He's very high-energy and all over the place.
►He gets excited easily, a lot of the time over childish things.
►He loves attention, even if he won't admit it. This often translates to doing obnoxious things for even negative attention.
►Generally, he also tends to act macho, and pretends that he doesn't have any feelings.
►He has a short attention span sometimes.
►He tends to talk really fast when he's worried, upset, or excited.
►He's a little jealous that Billy had a much better human family than him.
►He wants to find Wanda as much as Billy does, even if he doesn't admit it, because he wants a real family.
►He seeks out male role models subconsciously, and strongly desires these role models' approval.
►He wants to get to know his Uncle Pete most of all, because he wants to bond with someone like him.
►He doesn't want to be seen as a villain or a weapon, and he DOES want to save lives.
►He's not interested in being judgemental or nagging or harping, he's more a 'take action' sort of guy.

►Tommy is in love with Kate, even if he doesn't know it.
►He just knows he really, really likes her, and she's hot.
►He's very blunt about his desires.
►He doesn't do 'taking it slow' well, but he'd be willing to try for Kate.
►Deep down, he doesn't want to actively come between her and Eli, because he wants her to be happy, even if she's happier with someone that isn't him. Basically he wants to leave everything up to Kate and know that it was HER decision to be with him.
►He likes teasing or witty back and forths with the girl he's with more than he likes typical romantic words.

►He's a cuddler. LOVES to cuddle. He loves physical contact with people he trusts, because it's a form of attention.
►When he sleeps, he sprawls out all over the bed in a big old tangle of limbs. He also snores. And probably kicks.
►He has a recurring nightmare about babyhands and Master Pandemonium, though he never really remembers anything but the terror when he wakes up.
►He also has a recurring good dream about flying with his father (Vision), though again, he never really remembers anything but the feelings when he wakes.
►He goes for a run when he's stressed or unhappy.
►He's only a mediocre artist, at best.
►He likes blowing things up, especially Skrulls.
►Destruction and killing don't phase him like they do the other YAs, but he follows their rules because they're the only family he currently has.
►Some day he'd want to have kids, but he'd be terrified that he would be a terrible father.
►He likes kids. He likes acting like an older brother.
►He's convinced that, of he and Billy, he's the oldest twin. Sorry, Bill.
►When he was Tommy Maximoff, daddy (Vision) was his favorite parent.

headcanon, notes

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