Come drink and be merry.......... I know there's lot of other shows this Friday night but clearly you want to be at this one!!!!
Day I Die - Matt got so drunk last Friday night he threw up all over himself - worth the $5 just to see this guy in action.
Chase Manhattan - Mika is still up for grabs: If you stand a chance of winning his affection away from the hordes of myspace hoes YOU NEED TO BUY A T - SHIRT!
MDK - FIRST SHOW!!!! This is the much anticipated side project from the infamous "Jarule": If you're not familiar with his other work, you need to tune into MTV for his latest blingin videos or fly to Finland and check out a Hammerfall show (body armour is so hot right now).
While Others Sleep - I don't know any of these guys well enough to make up some witty bullshit but come and support them anyway!