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voicemail; maskedbreathing November 10 2010, 02:18:25 UTC
Hey, it's Wuertz. Don't mind the blue panther and the gerbil but the singing cotton candy thing has to go. It fucking woke me up in the middle of the night last night.

Also stay away from Aphrodite, she is a fucking crazy whore.

What do you like in your tacos/burritos/enchiladas? Call me.


[Call] notasinglelady November 10 2010, 02:30:50 UTC
Hi, Wuertz.

[Strange, since hearing a jigglypuff makes people fall sleep.]

Sorry, I will leave her in the auditorium from now. I thik it's a her.

She is just trying to help a few of my friends that had an argument. She is never meant to me.

And you don't have to cook for me, really. [He was used to do all the cooking back at home.]


Re: [Call] maskedbreathing November 10 2010, 03:06:07 UTC
Well, whatever it is.

Oh, I'm sure she is. And whatever she will suggest something that sounds perfectly rational to her but is in fact totally fucking stupid, and when you don't do it, she'll be all fake-disappointed like her word is law. And just so you know, she was never mean to me before she, you know, killed me.

Shut up, you live with me, I'm cooking, I'm making food for you. Tell me what you want or you don't get a choice.


Re: [Call] notasinglelady November 10 2010, 03:19:39 UTC
God can be really capricious, that's true. And yes, I know that she...killed and all. I won't forget. Sorry if I disappointed you.

[There's a pause in the other end of the phone.]

I cook the next time. And I've never really ate enchiladas before.


Re: [Call] maskedbreathing November 10 2010, 03:28:27 UTC
I think it's perfectly legitimate for me to be concerned about the people I care about hanging around someone who is a) capable of killing you b) would absolutely have no problem doing it under, ah, contested reasons and c) would not feel even the slightest bit of remorse at doing so.

In other words, I'm not disappointed, I just don't want you to, you know, die.


Re: [Call] notasinglelady November 11 2010, 03:00:12 UTC
[There's silence again for a bit, because the last time he heard something like that (even if not not phrased this way) was his dad saying it.]

I promise I will be careful and stay away from her. [Granted, they talk, but he does not approach her that often, so he's not exactly lying.]Thanks, Wuertz.


Re: [Call] maskedbreathing November 11 2010, 17:12:06 UTC
Just trying to look out for you, Kurt.


Re: [Call] notasinglelady November 12 2010, 00:33:43 UTC
I know. I'm glare you care that much.


Re: [Call] maskedbreathing November 12 2010, 19:01:47 UTC
No problem.


Re: [Call] notasinglelady November 12 2010, 21:23:59 UTC

See you later, Wuertz.


Re: [Call] maskedbreathing November 12 2010, 21:30:42 UTC
Don't do anything stupid.



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