4th Leap | It's Quiet without You

Nov 04, 2011 18:36

[A → Action; 630 Topper Street: Morning]

[Dick is doing his usual routine. Grabbing the milk from the door and pouring it out before he takes a quick shower and gets ready for work.

He's been in a good mood. Teammates and close ones being around, even with the loss of others.] Alright, I'm out! Don't be too terrible to the drone child.

[It's just another day. Right?]

[B → Action; Work: Afternoon-Late Afternoon]

[Dick works at that cafe as a waiter. It's a decent job. It gets a little boring time to time when the traffic slows. He ends up talking to a lot of people to pass time if they aren't drones. The cafe is nice, so he can't complain.

And when he sees Bruce, he's all the more happy to say hello and serve the other. At least, until he realizes things are all off. It only takes the first few seconds of conversation for Dick to know that Bruce is just like all the other drones, and this bothers him even more.

He spends the rest of work being less the enthused, and even messing up a bit.

By the time he's left work for the day, he's spilled coffee on himself and has broken a few dishes and glasses. He just can't shake it off.]

[C → Phone; Dusk]

When people are droned, how do you know whether they'll come back or not?

I guess, is it worth hoping that it's just temporary, or should you just be prepared to know you'll see them around as a drone.

[A pause.] I broke some dishes and spilled some coffee today. I guess today wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

[D → Action; 630 Topper Street: Evening]

[Dick is sitting on the porch quietly. He's already taken a shower and gotten cleaned up since he's gotten home. He was less then talkative since he's came home. Even during dinner. He finally gets to his feet and starts walking down the sidewalk. He doesn't want to be inside.

He almost wants to head to Bruce's place and make sure it wasn't just a trick.

But he knows better. First Damian. Then Bruce.]

should have just slept the day away, today is a bad day, @mayfield, where'd you go?, emo bats, brooding is bruce's shtick, my parents are dead, !ic, i miss you already

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