If you ever wanted to know more than you wanted to ever know, here's your chance

Jul 29, 2015 15:39

A few weeks ago, one of my friends posted a link to this article: 34 Truths People Who Get Migraines Wish You Understood. Of course I immediately clicked on it and scrolled away. I even started writing down the numbers of the statements that applied to me, but then my list started to look like this: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 ( Read more... )

yep it started in 2012, migraine fest 2012

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Comments 2

shayrena August 2 2015, 09:08:27 UTC
Oh darling *hugs*
I'm glad the article helped you in a way. It's hard to feel alone and not have the people around you understand, what you're going through.
I really wish there was something I could do to help.

*hugs again*


notashamed August 2 2015, 16:25:10 UTC
I wish you could do something too! :)
Honestly, at this point, just having people who will listen to me bitch about it and still offer comfort and support is really what I need. That's why I decided to start writing in here again - I need to feel like I have people supporting me and loving me while I feel so alone and inhuman.
Just getting the email alert of your comment put a big smile on my face. So thank you.


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