Lost tonight

Mar 29, 2006 21:06

that. was. awesome.

I missed the first 10-15 minutes b/c of work, so i didn't see why/how the doors shut in the hatch, so if someone wants to fill me in on that, i'd be happy :)

When that map thingy showed up in the black light? I was checking my email and i bolted up right and slammed my lappy shut so I could pay attention.

during the last commercial break, I was trying to decide if I believed Henry's story, and I decided that sure I did. OOPS.

Also? that's exactly what MN drivers licenses look like. so woo to the props people for that. Or should I say props to the props people?

in conclusion? I fricken love this show.

in other news, i've had a borderline migraine headache for the past 4 hours. Driving home was a nightmare with all the bright headlights and stop signs. I took half a percoset and now i'm off to sleepyville.

tv: lost

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