Good reasons to drink? Si, many of them. First and foremost, I'd have to say just pure fun. It's fun to be drunk, and I don't get hangovers very often. I enjoy the feeling of disorientation. I like the way my (sadly few) inhibitions disintegrate. I like feeling a little out of control of myself. When you're growing up in Mexico, you can't NOT drink. It's what we do - we drink, we toke, we roll, we's all good. And I've done it all. Every kind of intoxicant you can think of that doesn't involve a needle (yech!). I've enjoyed some more than others, or rather my companions have enjoyed some more than others. GiGi has forbidden me to ever ever EVER touch coke or crank again - he said he almost killed me and stuffed my dismembered corpse in a wood chipper. Apparently, I was very...enthusiastic. About everything. For a long, long time.
But alcohol and marijuana and tobacco? Those are deep in my blood, and I don't think they'll ever be out. It's not so much an addiction, any more than pints at the pub are an addiction to the Irish. It's just...what we are. What we do. When I get married someday and have kids, I'll have to clean up my act, settle down and toe the line and be a good role model, like all the ones I had.
Ah, the circle of life. Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
I suppose what I'm really saying is that I don't need reasons. Being young and alive is reason enough to celebrate. It seems like so many people here talk about drinking to forget, or to punish yourself. Obviously, you are not Latino. Stop moping and being all WASPy, and have some FUN. Seriously. You need it.
Then there are nights when I sit alone, curled up on the corner of my couch under a blanket, watching that fucking kiss on repeat over, and over and over, my sanity lost in the dregs of a tequila bottle. I touch my fingers to my lips in memory, I get hard and I ache. I yearn for his body pressed to mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hands on my skin. There are nights when drinking alone makes everything all too clear, when I realize the awful, awful truth. But there's one thing on those nights that I never fail to do before I pass out on the couch. The very last ritual of the night. I watch the last scene, the last line of the film. They never saw each other again. And I remind myself that I am NOT Tenoch, and he is NOT Julio, and we are too smart and too. damn. hetero. to ever let it come to never between us. He is mi mejor amigo, mi hermano. Never, ever mi amante. Never.
Where is that fucking bottle?
Muse: Diego Luna
Fandom: RPS
Words: 489