Aug 11, 2008 07:19
I'm not sure if I've really ever been in this place in my life.
I've been sleeping well for the most part. I've been happy with my friends, my (lack of, kind of) love life. I'm not overwhelmingly happy by any means. I'm content, I haven't cried in a very long time. I can't remember the last time I cried. (though, come to think of it, I may have teared up a little during Wall-E).
Jorie visited this past week. Made me excited to go back to Hampshire despite the thesis looming.
I'm excited to end my job here at the ferry. Despite the fact that if/when I go to divinity school, I will have to get a crappy retail job wherever I end up, this is most likely my last true summer job.
I've been slacking on my reading lately. For whatever reason, books aren't holding my attention as they were during the first 2/3 of the summer. I feel like this happened last August too. I guess you can burn yourself on reading, even if it's for pleasure. By the end of the Summer, I'll have finished somewhere between 9-12 books, so I guess I didn't do so bad. My dad's reading The Road right now, per my recommendation. I think it's the first novel written past 1945 he's read in a very, very long time.
While Jorie was visiting, we hung out with Crosbie pretty frequently, and I smoked more weed this past weekend than I've smoked in a while. It was nice. I guess I should pick that habit back up.
I think I'm pretty done with Salem.