I'm Not Home Right Now, Please Break In and Leave a Message...

Jan 01, 2012 18:36

[Offscreen, Puz has invited Mlle. Beringer to a leisurely boat-cruise "in the near future".

Puz needs to learn to follow-up his invites much more briskly. Especially ones made to impetuous women.

An Active RP where Cecile sneaks into Puz's house while he's hiding (unbeknownst to her?) at the Brass Embassy. Warning: Secrets abound.]

cecile beringer, major spoilers?, rp, lodings

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notary_puz January 1 2012, 08:01:36 UTC
The outer facade of this domicile on Saffron Street is nothing exceptional; a typical middle-class townhouse in London. It is on the end of its row, so the entire East side of the row belongs to this residence... it bears windows on both the ground floor and the second story; Some clothes-lines are anchored to this side, and span the narrow street to the block of homes on the opposite side. There is, it should be noted, a curious lack of drainpipes on this building ( ... )


cecile_beringer January 7 2012, 04:24:40 UTC
Slow. For a man who owes her many many favours, she'd have expected a reply faster than this! She was so sneak onto another ship, steal their research notes! But no, she waited for this awful but wonderful man--

That's fine. She'll just go visit.

The first thing she notices is the lack of drainpipes. A small difficulty, but no challenge. Should she go through the window, so obviously opened? Or the front door?

She removes a rope and hook from under her skirts and throws it, aiming to enter through the window. When she's on the edge, she'll look inside.


Welcome to the Top Floor notary_puz January 8 2012, 01:44:41 UTC
cecile_beringer January 9 2012, 19:52:45 UTC
Carefully shuffling to the edge the the windowsill, holding the top of the window, she looks around. The first thing she notices is the odd arrangement of strings. Are they for laundry? She waves at any ravens who dare to look at her, and shushes them.

A lamp! Good, then, she doesn't have to get her own. She prefers to save her things when she can handle it. Without any special care of where she walks, she heads directly to pick up the lamp.

Only one of her feet make a slight noise when she walks -- the sound from the other taken by Mr. Sacks. Annoying, but it does mean that her 'silent' foot has a heavier shoe, one with good grip.


cecile_beringer January 22 2012, 03:41:03 UTC
Click? Before she reacts she finds herself swooped up by the wires. Her dress bunches up, and her legs hang out freely.

"What is--" Then she looks around and realizes what happened. Who builds these kind of things in their house?!

...Unless they have something valuable to hide.

She reaches up to her hair and pulls out a covered knife, pulling off the decorated sleeve. She cuts the wires and drops down with a thud. Standing, she brushes her dress off and puts her hands on her hips.

"You play a difficult game, Monsieur. I like that." Carefully, looking around for more of those same traps, she heads to her destination.


cecile_beringer January 31 2012, 15:31:17 UTC
Cecile looks around with curiosity, and no surprised feelings. She picks up the letter marked for "Attford" -- that's the name of Monsieur Romantic, is it not? The charming man with so many lovers. She does observe that none of the letters are for Puz himself. A pity. She wanted to snoop. But she's barely inside, is she?

Putting Nathan's letter in her corset, she picks up the Vowel-less Book and slides it into a pocket under the skirts in the back of her dress.

She takes the book on English Common Law and turns to a page about break-ins or thievery and gets a pen (either nearby, or in her supply pocket). She writes a note in huge decorated letters:

I borrowed a few Things! ♥
Do you want them Back? ♥
Your ♥♥ Beautiful ♥♥ Magpie,
Cécile Béringer [lipstick kiss]

Well now. She's not going to leave now. She has a whole house to explore! Onward, to the rest of the room! And perhaps she can find stairs or more rooms.


notary_puz February 6 2012, 02:18:59 UTC
[ http://pics.livejournal.com/notary_puz/pic/00026ftr/g70 ]

The faintest stir of air passes by, either a bit of draft from the window, or shock-waves rippling through the time-stream from the moment Puz will return to his desk and read her cheeky note.

Stepping around the desk, Cecile makes her way towards the banister which encloses the open stairwell leading below. Light continues to stream from the sunken well from two gas lamps, silent sentries against tripping & stumbling.

She stops short, though, noticing two things on the floor...

The first are the earlier-mentioned shiny objects, looking a bit the color of brass. Upon closer inspection, they prove to be hollow 2-inch-long cylinders, each open on one end, each bearing a smell the cat-burglar-chemist is instantly able to recognize: sulfur, charcoal, saltpetre... Black Powder. These are shell-casings of some sort. [If Cecile has some sort of background with firearms, you may query for ( ... )


cecile_beringer February 13 2012, 14:12:43 UTC
Cecile may not know a lot about weapons but when it comes to black powder or any of the many things she's used for fireworks she is considered an expert.


But more interestingly, there's a door over there. Could she find his bedroom? Now that would be exciting. But first, this place looks a little suspicious-- she'll have to borrow the chair. A little sacrifice, something her darling won't miss!

"Drawing on the floor! Something we should have learned to stop doing when we turned five. Why would a grown man draw on the floor? Distraction?" She walks around the desk and gets the chair, pulling it behind her and returns to her original spot. Swinging the chair in front of her, she pushes it toward what she thinks might be a trap.

She hesitates a moment. How does Puz get around these rooms? Surely there's a turn off all the annoying things switch somewhere. With a shrug, she pushes the chair in front of her as she walks toward the door.


notary_puz February 16 2012, 11:40:57 UTC
[ http://pics.livejournal.com/notary_puz/pic/000274es/ ]

The chair moves without a squeak... phenomenally-well-oiled, it glides before Cecile like a stern bodyguard. It passes the line.

Nothing happens.

Chair and cat-burglar pass the opening to the stairs on the left, and the array of cabinets and wardrobes on the right.

Nothing happens.

Now the filing cabinets (and more unlit lamps!) are to their left, and the door is to their right.

Nothing happens.

Leaving the chair between one of the more rough-cut shelving units and a conspicuous shelf of books, Cecile intently examines the door. A sturdy affair, frame and all. Curiously, there are two keyholes underneath the porcelain doorknob. At first glance she can tell that each is designed for a slim key, but one will accept a specimen with longer teeth.

[Your orders? Examine? Act upon? Multiple actions in one turn?]


cecile_beringer February 19 2012, 10:19:52 UTC
She walked through with no mishappenings? No gunshots, flying knives, trap doors?

"Lucky~" She sings to herself as she spins the chair to sit in it, to peek in the keyholes. Well, that's a bother. Two keys required to unlock the door? She doesn't have enough hands for this! She leans back in the chair and crosses her legs, putting a gloved hand to her chin.

"Two. Deux~ Do I need both to turn at once, or is one a fake? A trap, perhaps? Oh, Monsieur, you do like to make a woman wonder." She spins in the chair a few times before getting up and pulling up her skirts to dig through her pockets.

"I wonder if anyone is home~? I should like to be greeted." She drops down a dark brown paper wrapped brick on the chair. "Or stopped before you lose such a perfect chair, hm?" She smirks and steps back, laughing to herself as she gets more supplies ready. Is this a bomb? Uh oh.

"Let's add some colour." She lights a line sticking out of the brown brick, kicks the chair to the door, then steps back to cover her ears, smiling with her eyes closed.


cecile_beringer February 21 2012, 16:00:31 UTC
She doesn't much like rooms without windows. Less quick escapes, more chance for someone to walk in with a bothersome weapon or some such. People never take lightly to unexpected guests, even when she doesn't take anything.

Spotting the lamp, the first thing she does is walk over to light it up, so she can glance around the room and see what it contains.


cecile_beringer February 28 2012, 15:09:26 UTC
Cecile claps in joy. "Oh, my dear man! Your home is full of little treasures!" She glances at the letters, but they are unlikely to attract her attention unless there is something similar to a to-do list, or in Puz's handwriting (to which she will gladly supply her own tasks).

The amphitheatre miniature catches her attention immediately. Why would he have such a tiny little theatre? And these walls-- she has found the most interesting room. Does it play music?

Only poking it will let her know.


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