Log: Monday Meeting.

Aug 17, 2011 15:55

Mr. Monday *At his Safe House, writing reports and letters and documents and many other things he doesn't want to do now*

Mr. Monday *To one of his attendants, someone who had worked for his father before* How is Weaver Cruz?

Notary Puz *A knock at the door*

The Attendant *Decides to answer the door than answer Mr Monday* *Hurries to it and opens it* *Wishes they hadn't*

Notary Puz *A porcelain mask stares back at the attendant. The young... person forces their way past the attendant, pushing the door open as he passes. Now fully ajar, it reveals a man in a bowler hat, grey overcoat, dark boots & a long cane. Enter Puz, eyes narrowed.*

Mr. Monday *Stands up from his desk as his attendant stiffens* How are you?! How did you find this place! *Where are his guards?* Guards!

Notary Puz *Raises a hand to silence him.* The Discreet Notary wishes to meet the man who is only available on Monday. *Today being Tuesday.*

Mr. Monday *What?!* *Doesn't know all of his Father's codes* G-Get o-out of my offices! I don't n-need to s-see you! *Fails at being tough.*

Notary Puz *Frown. Turns to ask the attendant* Is this *Nod to Monday* the current Keeper of Weavers, or am I wasting my time?

The Attendant: He's the newest Mr Monday. Sadly. New to this stuff.

Mr. Monday *This will be Mr Monday sputtering in shock that he was being talked like this* I-Identify you-yourself! N-Now!

Notary Puz *Nod to the Attendant* Thank You. Hobbes? *The masked one unceremoniously tosses the attendant out the door & shuts it. Locks it, if he can.*

Notary Puz *Turning back to Monday as he doffs his coat to Hobbes* You may refer to me as the Discreet Notary. I am here on behalf of the C&CC. We have a business matter which needs to be... ironed out. Have you had time to familiarise yourself with the C&CC?

Mr. Monday O...Oh... *Knows of that organization* *Kind of* You... You people worked with my Father before he Died. *Relaxing now*

Notary Puz Correct. *Hands Hat to Hobbes.* We intercept information in large volumes. You purchase it for Weavers to do... what-have-you. You benefit from the information. We benefit from your payment. Only now... *A Step Forward* this arrangement is in jeopardy.

Mr. Monday *Scowls at this point, confused* E-Excuse me? T-There isn't n-need for th-threats, y-you know. I-If you wa-want to in-increase pr-prices for information, th-that's fine with me. M-Money isn't an issue for the We-Weekends.

Notary Puz *Presses on with foreboding*. I have learnt of Mr. Ashwood & his methods of coercion, with specific regard to the Wells.

Mr. Monday *At this point, he's both defensive and apologetic* N-Not a-all of us are l-like him, you know.

Notary Puz Indeed, I am certain you are not. BUT. You must understand the affect his sins will have on my network--and yours--should they ever come to light. Mr. Monday, have you any idea how many of my agents, my staff, are--or once were--Urchins?

Mr. Monday ... A lot? *Pales a bit and has to seat himself because his legs are so weak right now oh God.*

Notary Puz *Eyebrow* To put it mildly. How do you suppose those staff will view child abductors, or those who work with child abductors?

Mr. Monday I-I ne-never wo-worked with Ashwo-wood! H-Hell, Mr Araneide a-and I we-were t-trying to g-get J-Jeremy o-out of h-his care!

Notary Puz The Urchins will not care, Mr. Monday. If they discover this... callousness, our business relationship will end. Which means two things. Can you guess either of these two implications, Mr. Monday? *Purses his lips*

Mr. Monday Oh God, I-I-I rather not. *Is very green at this point* W-Why a-are you ha-harassing me? I-I di-didn't do an-anything!

Notary Puz *He waits in silence, his face calm... after 30 seconds* One of these answers is obvious. Do be a good chap & have a go.

Mr. Monday W-What do yo-you mean?! *Honestly doesn't know* T-That's it! *Stands up and tries to leave the offices* I-I'm of higher rank! I-I d-don't deserve to be t-treated l-like this! Do-Don't make me call Mr Sunday!

Notary Puz *Laying his free hand on Monday's shoulder* The first answer is that Ashwood did this without your ever knowing... only recently have you learnt the insidious truth. *Smile.* You had no knowledge, else you would have strung him up without pause for thought.

Mr. Monday ...The s-second answer?

Notary Puz *Closes his eyes a moment* Unfortunately, we can not contain this: outsiders have heard about the boy, whom is still missing. Thus, you will turn all of your resources to finding him. Be very visible in this endeavour. Allow your staff to speak more freely than is prudent of your earnestness to return the boy to Andrea. Let the Italians hear of this... their agents are far too talkative. Word will get around. My lads will see your dedication. And you will seem a... proper business partner.

Mr. Monday * Exasperated at this point* I-I can't j-just d-dump all m-my work for o-one possibly f-fruitless rescue mi-mission! I-I'm al-already t-trying to pro-protect my W-Weavers right now! W-W-We have a to-total of THIRTY victims on o-our hands! I-I-I ju-just can't d-do t-that! Not n-now!

Notary Puz *Stare* You must at least appear to. Devote half of your resources at the minimum. For if you do not... all of those couriered letters, those bat & raven scrolls, those Urchin snippets-a large chunk of the material you work with-will dry out. Then what will you busy yourself with? Eh? Invent some connection. Say the killer is after the boy. His safety is your safety, something like that, I care not what. Just make it look good; You can not afford not to.

Mr. Monday *Flusters, his face a bright red* *Is in near tears* W-What makes y-you think yo-you can p-push me ar-around like this?! I-

*Before he can finish his sentence, there is a piercing shriek from down the hall* *It sounds like Andrea Weaver*

Andrea Weaver *It is her* *Continues to scream at a hellish pitch, never stopping, never wavering*

Notary Puz It seems you have matters to attend to. I will take my leave. But before I go, Monday... you are quite certain no one else is using children as leverage in your ranks, yes?

Mr. Monday No! Never!

Notary Puz *Steps back, nodding* Good. Although double-checking would be advisable... should you find one-such individual, having them 'Tied-Off' in a 'definitive' fashion could do wonders for your reputation. *Smiles, taking his coat & hat from Hobbes*.

Mr. Monday I-I'm not m-my Father. I-I do-don't k-kill pe-people. I-I'll h-have them re-reported b-but th-that's it.

*The screaming continues and he hurries to the door to open it* Excuse me, Weaver Cruz...

Notary Puz *Again he feels the urge to crack his neck, but he ignores it... strange sensation, that. He and Hobbes quietly step outside.*

Mr. Monday *Hurries to the screaming, flanked by the Doctors and his Attendant who was chucked out the room* Is... Strapped? ... No? How...

Notary Puz *Shudders at the thought of what would make this 'Cruz' woman scream so, he & Hobbes venture forth.*

Mr. Monday O-O-Oh God! *Rushes out of the room, not wanting to hurl all over* S-Strap her! Str-Strap her down NOW!

c&cc, log, mr. monday

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