OOC: Secret Character Details

Jan 02, 1970 14:04


Manner of Speech:
The Flop: His Received Pronunciation dialect had been drilled into him to cover up his natural manner of speaking.
The Turn:  At New Newgate he was once heard speaking in his sleep in an accent definitely NOT from England.
The River: Actually has an American Accent, a faint Kentucky Drawl; in his natural speaking set he uses contractions frequently.
Mental Health:
Minuscule Revelation: Has blacked out and awoken to having written odd things in his memoirs. Unstable things.
Medium Revelation: He still is not certain if he “technically” died when he looked into a certain mirror at the Carnival, but he now believes his trip to “The River” has confined him to London.
The Flop: Is pursuing a game called “The Marvelous”.
The Turn: Has been saving up to purchase something inordinately expensive.
The River: Seeks to permanently leave the ‘Neath by any means; after leaving, he hopes to retire to some far-off land, living a quiet life of luxury.
Minuscule Revelation: Changes where he sleeps every week.  
Moderate Revelation: For an orphan, he is oddly susceptible to goads aimed at his mother.
Philosophy of Life:
Medium Revelation: You will come into conflict with others in striving to achieve your goals; prepare for this ::  Take what you Need without a second thought, and take what you Want with due consideration to others.


Arrived in the ‘Neath:
Major Revelation: It’s also the date he arrived in England for the first time.
Moderate Revelation: Active CVR agent for curiously idealistic reasons.
Major Revelation: Contact and Organizer in the Great Game. Nominally an independent operative, but works with the Courier & Cable Cooperative, or “The C&CC”. Accepts contracts from the Cheesemonger (for now). Also accepts contracts from all of the factions, but is especially close to the Eastern Traders.
Former Occupation:
Minor Revelation: Moved to London to fill a position at the firm of Adams & Franklin; began an immediate apprenticeship with the Scriveners.
Major Revelation: Brought into London to serve as a legal adviser to American agents at his old firm; inducted into the Scriveners to further his Notarial practice, and potentially to serve as a mole.
Legal Record:
Minuscule Revelation: Was pardoned after escaping New Newgate thanks to his societal connections.
Major Revelation: American Citizen. Was imprisoned on trumped-up charges he pled-down to (long story... his own colleagues let him take the fall after he made some powerful enemies who threatened to expose him as a spy).
Minor Revelation: Actually did earn his Law Degree at William & Mary.
Major Revelation: Received his elementary schooling at a spacious public schoolhouse in Louisville, KY.
Personal Associates/Pets:
Minor Revelation: Has an “understanding” with the leader of a nest of Rattus Fabers.
Medium Revelation: Has a deteriorating friendship with a Card-Playing Monkey.
Major Revelation: ‘Hobbes’ is a member of the C&CC whom Puz has sojourned to be his personal assistant.
The Flop: His income is larger than his ledger’s contents.
The Turn and River: Collects  commissions from the C&CC.
Showdown: C&CC also pays ‘royalties’ to Puz for the use of his “Holyfire & Hellpress” message copying technique.
Minor Revelation: His ‘Aunt’ Dana is actually a friend he made while studying at the College of William and Mary in the United States: She’s far too young to be an aunt, anyway (maybe they should have said they were cousins?).
Major Revelation: Raised by his mother Brigid in Louisville, KY, USA. Puz does not remember his father, Samuel: Puz’s mother and father never married, and he was born out of wedlock. Samuel was killed February 15th, 1862 while confronting Confederate forces that had pushed into Kentucky.
Puz had an affable relationship with his mother, who cared and provided for him with her whole heart. She passed away on February 14th, 1886, succumbing to Consumption.
[End of Dossier]

ooc, character sheet, secret

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