((Vincent has a pet!))

Dec 16, 2006 23:20

Revan is in Generic Jedi Master Robes (dyed black, of course), his hair tucked behind his ears and his neck covered in bite marks. He's cradling a black and white checkered Gizka in one arm, scratching behind its ear nubs with his free hand.

Next to him are several clear plastic boxes, each with a hopping, squeaking Gizka in it. "I was curious to see if any of you would possibly be interested in taking one of these fellows home. They are low-maintenence and free to whomever wants one." The Gizka he's holding wiggles its ear nubs and squeaks happily. Aww...

"Also, is it possible to fall three stories from a catwalk, land on your arm, and not break it? Or for a group that has been fighting amongst itself for hundreds of years to decide to unite under a common banner and quit attempting to kill each other?"

((Revan has about twenty Gizka, not counting the checkered one, to give away. Color schemes are up to you, and they're first-come, first-serve. Don't worry; he'll probably be back later with more of the little buggers.))

A beaten-up Vincent Valentine walks into the Nexus, next to Revan. Vincent's wearing more than his usual outfit. Bandages cover most of his face and his jaw's wired shut, behind his high collar. He looks at the Gizkas.

Revan looks over at him, apparently unfazed. He wonders how the other guy looks.

In the meantime, one of the smaller Gizkas, a runty little black thing speckled with silver, notices Vincent. It hops up and down and makes a burbling noise, followed by a squeak.

Vincent looks at the little Gizka. He seems to be thinking.

((That's so cuuute!))


The Gizka waggles its stumpy tail and squeaks again. Bounce bounce.

Revan raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "I believe it likes you."

Vincent exhales quickly, then pauses. "Nnlow veint-tennce?" ((In case you can't read that, it's "Low maintenance?", or it's supposed to be. If his jaw weren't all shattered.))

((Thanks! I thought that might be it.)) Revan catches what Vincent means quicker than his mun did; probably that Force-user business. He nods. "Very much. They can subsist on very little food and water, do not need to be groomed, and are quite cleanly."

"Wha-aTe do fey ea-Tu?" (("What do they eat?))

"Plants, generally, and occasionally insects."

"Nnn." Vincent looks at the hopping Gizka again.

It did seem to like him. More than could be said for most of AVALANCHE, at the moment. But a pet? He'd never been good with pets. It was low-maintenance. He wanted companionship. Maybe he could get Tifa to let him spend some time with Shelke, then show it to her. Perhaps it could be her pet.

"Hhh." He reaches into the box and picks up the runty Gizka.

((OMG, mind drowning in cute!))

((Well, I'm about to make it worse XD))

The Gizka sticks its toe-pads onto the nearest piece of cloth it can find, then smushes the top of its head against Vincent's chest and purrs. D'aww, happy Gizka!

Vincent looks down at it. Though he shows no emotion, Revan might notice a ripple of shock come from him, through the Force.

Was it... snuggling him?

He looked down at it. Was this really what he needed, right now? A pet? But it seemed to like him. He begrudgingly admitted that it was cute. After a pause, he was decided. Why not?

"Vay I T'a-ake this?" (("May I take this?"))

Revan does notice, but it doesn't particularly bother him; one of his friends had the same reaction when a different Gizka snuggled the guy's leg.

He smiles. "Of course. It is all yours."

"Hhh." Vincent begins to walk away, Gizka still clinging to him. Revan might get a ripple of begrudging affection, through the Force. Then Vincent continues onwards, parting ways with Revan.

((Yay! Vincent has a Gizka! Thank you!!!))

((So, Vincent took the male Gizka back to Midgar. He got back to Tifa's bar and tapped on the door. She told him Cid wasn't there, so he came in to give the Gizka to Shelke, telling Tifa what it was. It wanted to stay with him and Shelke pointed out that he needed the company more than her, right now. Cid then entered the bar in a slightly less pissed-off state. He told Vincent that they needed to talk. The Gizka noticed Vincent's fear and sadness coming with Cid and growled at Cid. The pilot asked what the creature was. Tifa told him. He tried to pet the male Gizka, which tried to bite his finger, but couldn't, having no teeth. Cid wiped the Gizka slobber off on his jacket and the two went off to talk things over. Vincent, noticing that the thing wouldn't let go of him, decided to name it Clinger.))
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