May 12, 2011 16:40
Just woke up from another of my increasingly weird-ass dreams. Let me see if I can put it together.
I was in some kind of facility that was working very hard to look like some kind of residence. It appeared to be a treatment facility of some sort, and I didn't know why I was there. They kept putting me in what looked like a back bedroom devoid of furniture with 5-6 people who claimed to be behavior modification specialists, but wanted to do nothing more than torture me. I managed to get out of the sliding glass door with vertical blinds a few times, the third time running into what looked like an open kitchen-type area and grabbing a phone book, loudly saying, "I'm not going back in there! Not with those people!"
My mom came over, arms folded. "Well, what are you going to do, then?"
"I'll go to Sarah's, she'll help me out," I said as I kept flipping through the phone book.
"Fine," Mom said.
I packed up a few things and walked out of the residential treatment place, and ended up at Sarah's (she's not too clear now, but I know that she wasn't recognizable). On the inside, her house kind of looked like my grandma's, and she ushered me in, took a Polaroid of me, and told me to rest up, we had a long flight to California in the morning. Her cat jumped up into a drawer on the desk (also similar to the huge secretary in my grandma's house) and settled down to sleep. Sarah took the picture of me and tried to put it in the drawer with the cat, but it slipped between a crack and vanished.
The next thing I knew, I was in some kind of local resturaunt/cafeteria with Blaine and Kurt from Glee (here's where things get interesting). Kurt was working hard to try and set me up with someone, and we started to sing a song at the table, but when we tried to get up and sing/dance the climax of the song, one of the kitchen workers grabbed a microphone and admonished us: "NO SINGING. GET OUT." We paid our bills (Blaine and I had split something) and left. I seemed to be at some kind of beach house that appeared to be a cross between the Real World, the Biggest Loser, and some kind of rehab, but a good majority of the cast was made up of the cast members of Glee.
I talked with Sam (yes, from Glee) for a while out on a porch deck, someone down below was playing a song that we both tapped our feet to and hummed along with, a male walked by that I can't picture now and flirted with me (Kurt not too far behind, giving me a thumbs up) and then I came inside to get a bottle of water and the vitamins that we were supposed to take that night. One of the females was complaining that she wasn't losing weight fast enough for her liking, and that she was going to stop taking the nighttime suppliments, to which other people in the room (cast members? team members? friends?) voiced their objections loudly. There were two bottles - one for the males, one for the females - and they were blue (for nighttime use I suppose) and seemed to carry the Flintstone Vitamin logo. I shook out 2 bigger chalky-type pills from the woman's bottle and a semi-large gelcap from the men's, intending to take it out to Sam.
I walked back out onto the beach and it was dark. I found Sam sitting in the sand alone, seemingly depressed. I offered him the vitamin, and he took it, and said that he was happy I had came back. He asked me why I was here, and I told him about the treatment-facility-disguised-as-a-1950's-era-house I had left, where I was fairly certain they were trying to force me to commit suicide. He listened and sympathized, even though this explained nothing. We got closer to the water and kicked and splashed in the waves rolling in, and I realized that even though I had thought this was supposed to be a reality show, I hadn't seen the first camera anywhere this whole time.
We walked up to where the rest of the people on the beach had lit tiki torches and had a bonfire going, and a thin Jay-Z (or it might have been that guy on SNL, Jay Pharoh, doing an impression) bragging about smoking weed and getting oral sex from one of the women he was allowed to go see twice a week. Some of the other people started joking on him (namely, Tina - yes, again from Glee) and they went back and forth in a good-natured 'Yo Momma' type battle while the rest of us laughed and cheered, sitting on beach blankets. I had sat down with Sam, but someone else had joined us on our blanket, a male I didn't recognize. He offered us swigs from a bottle of Dr. Pepper, and even though I don't like the stuff, I tipped the bottle up to take a drink.
Then I woke up.
do what? o.o,
what is this i don't even