Mar 31, 2011 03:02
- 00:20:15: @ jshisler79 I'm gonna have to try this remedy - it's got to be easier on my stomach than the Excederin (that I'm not supposed to be taking)
- 00:51:34: @ jshisler79 ugh! I've had ulcer problems myself, dr told me not to....but so often, nothing else works. Damned if I do, damed if I don't.
- 01:01:32: @ jshisler79 I'll have to try that! You learn something new every day. Hey, aren't you supposed to be asleep now, sir? :p
- 05:02:12: Although you appear cool and calm to your friends at work now,... More for Taurus
- 08:03:28: @ jshisler79 Lol! Well, I'm heading to bed - night shift means you can sleep all day & not feel like a bum :)
- 18:37:58: @ Ralphie_May Please tell me you've got plans to come back to Richmond VA!
- 21:23:03: @ jshisler79 We had a whole "graduation" from DARE in elementary school! Great, now *I* feel old too :p
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