Thankfully, I won't be bitching in this entry.... or at least I'll try

Jul 21, 2006 15:29

Hooray for 3:32!! 2 hours till the weekend and sleeping in! Oh man that's gonna feel good...

I decided last night that I'm in a creatve/ intellectual doldrum. I need a purpose. I need a project. Sometimes I just feel stupid and ditzy. I read articles online and I feel informed, but I can't express myself lately. Sometimes I'm on Wikipedia for hours just looking random shit up. It would help if I could remember most of it though; damn alcohol and pot use.... So I decided to bring my camera with me and walk around taking photos after work. I love photography; it's neck and neck with literature to be my #1 passion. Which reminds me that I need to email my photo teacher and ask him if a) he still has my portfolio from the fall and b) the dark room will be open at all this summer. Oh how I would looooooove to go back in the dark room. There are some pretty good ones around the city, but they're expensive: usually around $20 an hours. And you know I could spend an easy 7 hours in one shot; did it last year. I really really really want my portfolio back!

So i finally sent my graduate application in today. *gasp*. i'm scared. I mean, it's *GRADUATE SCHOOL*, it's supposed to be this bg freakin thing! Though part of me thinks, it's still Pace. It's not like Harvard or anything. Of course OSA is behind on my transcripts, but whatev. I sent an email to the director of Grad admissions b/c last year he told me to tell him when i was sending it in so he could flag it as a "3/2" app. So I did, hoping I don't get a response saying anything negative. I still gotta check that. later.

Ok, I'm gonna go put together my camera and *hope* i load the film correctly.
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