Jun 21, 2005 18:07
hellooo everyone,
i have alot to say today, because alot has happened in the last few days.
this weekend in barcelo was megafun. it ended up being more expensive g´damnit but it was worth it(i guess, im a cheapy) the pools were great, the entyertainment was great, the food was great, the free drinks were great. i drank alot alot alot of fruit juice.
i am tan now, folks. mostly my arms, lol. but i have tan lines everywhere else too, which hasnt happened in like a million years.
last night ---
yesterday a ´friend´of mine came to class really upset. the teacher asked about us weekends, she refused to talk about hers. after class was supposed to go to the bar for the rest of classtime, i talked to her. she began crying and saying she had a horrible weekend and in short, she thought she was pregnant.
she isnt emotionally stable right now, her mom died a year ago this past thursday and shes looking for that missing piece. shes looking in the wrong ways though and its really sad. shes a really beautiful girl and very intelligent, but never had any relationships with a male until after her moms death. she has no knowledge about what she deserves.
she was really upset about the whole thing but then we had a meeting for the group. after the meeting, i went to hug her and she went limp in my arms. she passed out, but was still breathing. i led her to the ground and she was out. i kept talking to her and yelled for help and it seemed like it took a billion years for the nurse to get there, and even moreso the ambulance. the nurse put ether under her nose and though she took a few deeper breaths, she wasnt coming back. it was the scariest goddamn thing ever and i felt like i was very uneducated in the CNAness just b-c i was so nervous. i couldnt tell if she was breathing bc my own heart was beating so fast, but eventually i watched her chest rise and fall. eventually the ambulance came and took her to the hospital. a hospital in a third world country is NOT a pretty place.
nadine eventually woke up about 20 minutes later. that is an extremely long time. she talked with her dad on the phone some and he freaKED OUT. but apparently this has happened to her in sri lanka, but she went in and out for 8 hours there.
she eventually was OK enoiugh to sit in a wheelchair and we rolled her outside to wait for the results of the blood test. she laughed a little, but she kept crying also. shes just a mess. and the boyfriend here has a totally different story and no one knows the truth. it isnt our business. but she isnt emotionally stable and she doesnt realize it.
anyway, the blood test was negative, thank goodness. she was well enough to go home last night thank god.
That was my monday night. crazy, huh?
let me tell you something weird about the hospital.. a thug guy came in the hospital with cuffs on and was jkoking with the cops in cuffs and had a 3 yr old girl next to him sitting down. it was the oddest thing.
the hospital was very sad. it was like charity but way smaller and nothing hitech. for a splint for a little boys broken arm, they used an air splint, which they havent used in the states in years. he sat there for about 3 hours.
im glad to live in the united states. we really dont realize how much we have.