Hi :D
I watched House episode last night and OMG it was so good xDDD. Some comments about it *ahem*
- House playing with his toy cars and making a track for them awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cutest thing ever xDDDD. He's a kid!!! LMAO. I wonder if he had kids he'd play with them and stuff xD. Everytime I say how cute House looked with his little cars my mom reminds me how Cuddy broke his highway ahahahahaha. I think she's only fed up of hearing me saying the same thing for the past 12 hours ahahahaha. Thanks God I had to come to the office, otherwise she'd have this face -_-. And at the end of the episode, when he put his cars on the ottoman awwwwww ^ ^.
- I really don't get all the Taub thing :( probably because I haven't watched some episodes of this season D: I don't know what kind of problems he's having and why House is bothering him so much. Poor guy... I think IDK, maybe it's all his fault xD. I started watching season 5 on Sunday, so the only thing I know about Taub and his wife is that she had a bank account to buy him a car and House thought he thought he didn't deserve it so he'd tell his wife he had cheated on her in the past. I need to watch the other episodes between Adverse Events and The Itch to know the whole story xD. I better watch them all xD.
- Cuddy's legs ;) she looked so good in that sofa *drools*... yeah, I probably sound really weird in this moment but I don't care! she's hot! ñamñamñamñam (like they say in Spanish xD) period! xD.
- House and Cuddy together in the same sofa we were talking above OMG ajksjd oiejowoperiwopriwepor so cute!!! those 2 are love!! I liked a lot they were watching the video together and how House was all comfortable and OMG that lollipop I don't know but seeing him licking that thing really gave me naughty thoughts *whistles*. And the way Cuddy looked at him ahahahahahahaa like this -_- LOL. And he checked her ass!! yay!!! I LOVE 'EM!!! I'm thinking about making a new header :D, but that'll have to wait till Sunday :P
- The cat LMAO she only wanted to feel warm awwwwww.
- The superstitious Kutner LMAO!!! and how House used all those things like the umbrella, the ladder, the salt ahahahahahaha. And then Kutner peed on House's chair ahahahahaaha... well, maybe it wasn't him but that wasn't cat's pee xDDDDDDD.
- No Wilson. Almost no Wilson... that was like the opposite of the previous episode xDDD. No Cameron... my mom was the one who realized about that: where's Cameron, hun? xD and I was like: she doesn't appear that often 'cause.... idk xD. Then Chase appeared and my mom was like: hey, isn't that Chase? he's hotter now!! he's become a real man!! LMAO. And no Rachel Cuddy (I feel like being specific 'cause Taub's wife's name is Rachel too xD. Or maybe Cuddy's kid is Rachelle *shrugs* w/e it sounds the same to me xD).
See you guys :D
Expect another entry today :)
Bye ♥