Jul 19, 2011 14:12
This city is incredible. It's... actually kind of scary as all heck, given it's falling apart and there are crazy people with superpowers everywhere, and here's me with none of my own. Unless you count the couple I have sitting in the knapsack I brought down. Tonics. All I have to do to correct the imbalance is dose myself up. You know, take the same concoction that's driven all the aforementioned crazies into the state they're now in. Totally a good idea, not.
There are leaks. Goods are just strewn about the place. Little girls with slugs implanted into their bodies are wandering around, harvesting corpses. This place is creep central, and yet, there's a strange, almost quiet beauty about it.
Quiet when no one's shooting at each other or charging angrily with a drill. Luckily, I've avoided both so far. I've run into a single kind of nutty scientist, that Tenenbaum lady. Not as stable as I'd like from one of the few people who know the scoop down here, and the only one working in any sort of effective way to fix it, but at least she seems genuine in her desire to fix the Little Sisters.
Which would have a lot more currency if she hadn't been the one to introduce the latest hip trend sweeping the city, being a lunatic hopped up on cellular modification. But we all atone, in our own ways, I guess.
Right now -- we'll leave out the complex question of what issues I'm making up for -- my way is by looking for one of those Little Sisters, to see what I can do. What I can learn, which does sound fiendish or cold, but that's how I'll help. Learning.
What I've found instead is a dead splicer. I gave him a brief examination, backed off, managed to not throw up, and am now waiting a little way off. I don't have the anatomy knowledge to cut the body up and find anything, but I might have to take some blood. Which, gross, but maybe I can learn something that'll help put these powers in check.
But first, it's helping the people who didn't ask for their bodies to be screwed up and made sinister. Little Sisters harvest ADAM from bodies, so I'm hanging out near a body.
My life isn't weird or creepy at all.
Hopefully I'm far enough that I won't scare off any approaching Little Sister. It also means I won't scare off anything else, not that anything else down here is going to be scared of me. Like the figure approaching now, for instance. Which... makes for a tough call. Do I stick to the shadows and hope that I'm not spotted, or try and spook them? Step out and hope against hope it's just another person from the surface?
Well, whoever they are, they're getting closer. Better make a decision soon, Jess.