Dec 07, 2009 14:34
I can't wait to live in an apartment.
Right now I'm sitting in the collins lounge trying to read, and I can't. Why? Because there are SO MANY annoying people in Collins! Last year was much better - then some sort of army of crazy people infiltrated, and Collins is basically a haven for hipsters and World of Warcraft/Dungeons and Dragons slaves (no problem if you play the game - but when it becomes your life, you need to think about finding a support group...)
When I'm in Tessa's room, all the girls on her floor distract me. They love to come in and have girl talk, which is a lot of fun, but also annoying, because I can't get anything done when they're around.
In my room, Megan listens to music, and talks CONSTANTLY about things I don't care about, and doesn't get the clue when I don't respond.
And the library isn't any better. I'm fine if there are lots of people talking at the same time, because I can't pick out any certain conversation. But at the library, there is always one group of people talking, so I can hear every word they're saying, thus destroying my reading ability.
Life would be easier if
a.) I could concentrate and retain information more easily
b.) There weren't so many annoying/inconsiderate people in this world.