Taken from Claire

Jul 06, 2009 15:49

Pick one of my characters and I'll tell you...- One thing that I enjoy about playing this character ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

welcometo_life July 6 2009, 20:56:00 UTC
Blair would try to kill me if I didn't ask for Riggins.


And now for the moron to speak askurself_wwrd July 6 2009, 21:12:25 UTC
-Tim is ridiculous and fun. There's nothing I can't say or do with him as long as it's crass, obnoxious and likely to offend multiple people.

-Blair and Tim's bow chica bow wow was fun to play but honestly, my favorite thing is him giving her a hard time about it.

-That teasing back and forth that masks the fact that the other one actually gives a damn

-It's Riggins. He crawled out of a girl's bed and downed a beer.

-He hopes she gets everything she wants and part of him kind of secretly wishes he could be the kind of guy that gets a girl like her. Her? What? Noooo ;)

-I'd love to see Riggins come to NYC and spend a weekend in her world. That'd be horrifying for her though I'm certain.


But he's such an adorable moron! welcometo_life July 6 2009, 21:21:04 UTC
Awww...deep down Blair really likes Tim because she knows underneath it all, he's a good guy. He's like a slightly less cultured version of Chuck. ...Minus the attempted rape (although that wasn't to her. I'm not sure she even knows about it.) Pffttt not at all. O:D

And yes, she would be completely horrified, but knows exactly what to do. She'd make him do all that touristy crap, because none of her friends would see him if she kept him busy with that.


He really is. notantichrist July 6 2009, 21:29:56 UTC
lol! And it might cross his mind once or twice that he hadn't met her friends but he's really not bright enough to put two and two together without some help. He'd love all the touristy crap too. As long as she didn't take him to see any broadway. He's still miffed about Gypsy not being a porn.


ontherails July 6 2009, 21:04:32 UTC
I have to go with Spencer! :D


Oh yay! He's happy to get to play yes_imagenius July 6 2009, 21:24:36 UTC
-Spencer is so good and sweet despite his job. Most of the rest of the team is very jaded and kind of cynical but Spence never ever is and I love that most about him.

-Well it's pretty limited so I'll kind of tell you what I loved about their little interaction. Maddy really just kind of rolled with all of Spencer's 'spencerisms' like the random, thorough knowledge or the stuttering. She seemed really comfortable with him and that's not always a given for him.

-They seem to be making their way toward a really nice friendship and Spencer needs that. He's a people person but he doesn't have a lot of friends.

-Played Guitar Hero and ate a bag of Cheetos

-He's honestly kind of flustered right now. It wasn't until Maddy's invitation to visit her next time he's in NYC that he realized she's a girl and she's a very pretty girl. More importantly he realized she's a very pretty girl who just spent a lot of time talking to him. That's a little making his giant brain explode to him.

-I'd like to see her drag him around New York City


:D I heart Spencer! ontherails July 6 2009, 22:53:18 UTC
Maddy thinks Spencer is really cool and she's very impressed with all his 'spencerisms'. She definitely wants to have a good friendship with him and I will make it her mission to get him to New York.


Re: :D I heart Spencer! notantichrist July 7 2009, 00:20:38 UTC
Aww yay! They'll be amusing I'm sure.


thecheerleader July 6 2009, 21:29:21 UTC
[Sam ( ... )


Sam! notantichrist July 6 2009, 21:40:49 UTC
Sam is a puppy. I love his being a puppy. It makes it alright that he tried to end the world because he's really sorry about it and he's CRYING.

I think it was Claire and Sam in ZS when they had sex because it was SO hysterical. I was crying laughing at them.

Claire makes Sam hope for things that he doesn't think he should hope for anymore.

He checked on Dean supposedly very sneakily. IE Dean didn't let him know that he saw him checking up on him.

Lately, Sam's been pretty confessional but I think the one thing he wants to say but won't really, truly express is how much he wants Claire to stay because he thinks she should leave him.

I'd like for them to actually be able to relax and just be normal for a little while without the cloud of 'the world's ending' hanging over them ( ... )


Deano notantichrist July 6 2009, 21:49:29 UTC
-I love how Dean is so brash and so egotistical on the outside but it's this whole cover for everything insecure inside of him.

-I love the scene where Dean came home ridiculously broken (I think after he confessed to Sam that he enjoyed torturing those people) and Brooke was so good and so sweet to him and knew exactly what to do and say without making him feel like she was patronizing him or anything.

-Mine is a lot like yours. Dean is still so very Dean with Brooke. Most ships compromise who Dean is and I don't think that we do with those two (or as you mentioned who Brooke is) I also love the way Brooke gets Dean. She knows what's facade and what's real with him. Most people don't ( ... )


Timmy! notantichrist July 6 2009, 21:55:56 UTC
-Tim is a lot like Dean in that he's ridiculous. There's nothing I can't post or say or really do with him as long as it's moronic and likely to offend multiple people.

-I *love* Tim and Brooke. They crack me up. She tries to be motherly but she's still Brooke and Tim just flirts like a steam roller, completely ignoring the mother part of things.

-Brooke really is kind of like a Mom that Tim never had. He craves that and needs it. She just also happens to be a MILF.

-He chugged a beer.

-Thanks for being a 'Mom' and not a cougar.

-I don't know. I'd kind of like to do something sappy and hurt him where he'd actually give in and be the little boy he always kind of wants to be with Brooke.


-Hrm Mary chewing out Tim would be amusing.

-Claire, possibly but probably not. He likes Sam and he doesn't want Sam to hate him. Brooke, no way. She's too much like a Mom to him.


john_movinon July 6 2009, 23:05:56 UTC

I just finished watching Season 1. HEART Spencer. (I've seen random episodes, but my roommate owns all the seasons, so I decided to watch them all in order.)

ANWYAY! Yay Spencer.


notantichrist July 7 2009, 00:13:21 UTC

He's kind of new and sometimes he scares me a lot but he's SO much fun. I LOVE Spence SO much. He's just hilarious and so so cute.

Feel free to say HI to him anytime you want. He'll drive me insane coming up with theories about how John can be a pyrokinitic if he ever finds out.


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