My Christmases aren't like other people's.

Feb 01, 2009 20:33

[A list of Christmas Presents I've received over the years]

A barbie
Some sparkle wand crap
Skin mags
Shaving cream
Hunters Journal
Mouth wash
Candy bars

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totalnutjob February 8 2009, 06:41:47 UTC
A barbie!? I thought you were a little ... girly, sure. But a barbie?


totalnutjob February 8 2009, 06:44:14 UTC
Oh and what kind of frosting do you like on your cupcakes. Cause I am still making those, right? I mean I don't see why we can't do battle on a sugar high. In fact, I'd say that a sugar high would be good for battle.

I like strawberry. I might have eaten some already.


totalnutjob February 8 2009, 06:45:32 UTC
I forgot to ask you if I can maybe see the Colt sometime. It being kind of famous and all, I thought it might be cool if I at least know what it looks like.


notantichrist February 8 2009, 06:50:56 UTC
Barbie, I was eight and only marginally believed my dad would actually make it back to the motel to spend Christmas with us. He didn't so when I fell asleep Dean stole a couple of presents from the house down the street. He didn't know they were girl presents. Dad was busted.

I like strawberry too. I totally say we have cupcakes. They make everything better. Also, you already eating some explains the wired.

OH...yeah well...the Colt got stolen. We don't know where it is right now. I do have Ruby's kick ass demon killing knife though. Same theory, knife instead of gun.


totalnutjob February 8 2009, 07:16:02 UTC
Stolen!? I guess it's okay - knives are more fun, anyway you know? Oh, okay maybe you don't. Nevermind! Heh.

I was gonna try carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting too. The stuff I bought is so yummy. By some before I might have meant "had to go back to steal buy some more cause I ate the whole thing."

Wow I thought my childhood sucked. You win the big prize of childhood suckage.


notantichrist February 8 2009, 07:19:58 UTC
I liked the Colt. One of these days I hope we find it. The knife works for now though.

Carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting sound good. Well...y'know those frosting things are awful little.

It was pretty sucky. Why was yours bad?


totalnutjob February 8 2009, 07:23:25 UTC
I'm gonna make chocolate too. With chocolate frosting. And white and yellow. Because this whole not-killing deal makes like frustrating. Baking seems to take the edge off. Does your brother like cupcakes too? I've got a lot made already.

Bullies, being the ugly duckling. A bad hair decade, too.


notantichrist February 8 2009, 07:30:47 UTC
Dean loves cupcakes. Baked goods never go to waste around us. I'll have to point out to Ruby that you bake while she just bitches.

Ouch. I understand that. I was really short for a while and then I shot up and was tall, skinny and gawky. Not to mention we moved constantly. So yeah...I get the suckage.


totalnutjob February 8 2009, 07:43:15 UTC
Oh, PIE right!? I heard something in passing about Winchesters and pie. Apple? Cherry? Strawberry-rhubarb? I can try all of 'em, I don't mind really. The apartment I stole rent has a great kitchen!

You were gawky? I was chubby. "Ava Naval suck in your belly!" It's actually kind of hilariously bad now that I think about it. Asshole kids.

I don't think I'm gonna celebrate Christmas anymore. Did your powers get weaker? Mine kind of suck compared to what I remember...


notantichrist February 9 2009, 01:06:36 UTC
Pretty much just pie in general. We like it all. Apple is always good but again...pie. Can't go wrong there.

I was short for a really long time and then I shot up and my legs were too long, my feet too big and I was extremely gawky. I was even chubby for a little while when I was like 12. Kids are cruel.

I"m not big on Christmas. I haven't been since that year. My powers have gotten stronger but I don't get visions anymore. I can uhm...exorcise demons with my mind?


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