Cuz you're a famous monster [You do whatever they offer]

Jun 24, 2008 13:46

[Skeletons in the closet]

There usually aren’t you know. Skeletons in the closet I mean. There are boogeymen in the closet. Dean shot it when I was eight. I couldn’t do it. I mean I had the .45 Dad had given me but I was too scared to use it. I probably would have shot myself in the foot. Living shadows hide under the bed. Dean lit that one on fire with a flame thrower when I was twelve. Skeletons…well skeletons don’t really hide anywhere. In fact, we’ve never really came upon an animated skeleton. Besides, out of all the things we hunt, they’re probably easiest to get rid of. Salt and burn.

Metaphorical skeletons? Yeah, not talking about those.

[comm] on the couch [verse] open

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