Okay so here's the deal. As you all know the finale for SPN is tonight and this is the night we're staging our battle. You can see
Ruby's list of who's going to be there all nicely organized. We're going to be in New Harmony, Indiana for the battle (just like the finale) and from there, we're taking our cue from what Kripke does to an extent. We have a list of things that will happen regardless of what Kripke does and those will be posted for you guys post finale. From there you can take the list of people and the list of events plus the outcome that Dean mun and I have previously decided on (subject to change possibly depending on Kripke). By joining Sam's army, you've agreed to allow mention in various prompts BUT if you're going to do more than NOTE that someone is there (IE: he glanced across the battle field and saw Elle plus a bunch of other people) please please please and PLEASE make sure you check with the mun first. All of the 'action' will be prompt based because rp on this level is just too difficult. Once we get you the list of events, you can embellish, add, write your character's part in the battle to your hearts content. The list of events will merely be highlights.
Something I would like if you guys would be so kind is to leave me links for 'Sam's Army' posts here then when it's all done I'll make one big post of all the prompts/posts/ficlets/action that happened for you guys to read. Thank you so much for playing with us in this craziness. I hope you've had fun with it. I know I have.