
Dec 09, 2004 20:16

Today was interesting.
not like i had thought itd go.
but interesting none the less.
it wasnt too bad because after 6th period i saw my friend jason.
then i saw my friend mike.
i went with mike , met up with 2 of his friends , and got baked.
that was fun.
the people we were chillin with were cool.
in the long run though , my feet were soaked, and my toe now has a hole through it.
how that happend is a long, stupid, boring, and pointless story.
all i know is...
fuck this shit.

im going to ireland.
beautiful land.
beautiful speech.
fun to be had.

The Middle East
sounds fun also.
horrible scenery
innocent bystandards
an hatred.
a different kind of fun.
a more liberating kind of fun.
i shall lose respect for people who move to canada.
thoes are the pussys that the soldiers are fighting to keep safe.
they dont appreciate it.
they bitch about it.
we could stop, we could pull out.
watch what happens , then get mad if they pull some punk bullshit.
say a couple of "dont do that again please's"
be a bitch.
we could have stopped hitler.
we simply asked him to.. stop takin over and invading land.
he didnt.
we asked again.
he again didnt listen.
we did nothing.
he killed himself.
after this , we decide the jews needed a care package.
we gave them palastine.
jews n palastinians have been fighting for that land for forever.
you wonder why they think were whores?
our society doesnt match theirs, they dont like us for it.
their society is different than ours. we dont like them for it.
they didnt try to change out society though.
they just slapped us for it.
and they will continue slapping us as long as the jews have palastine.

if you have the chance to save more people at the cost of less people?
or are you just going to let most people die, and help the sad survivors.
since we have been in the middle east
middle eastern deaths have gone down.
because we are there, they have stopped fighting eachother, and decided to fight us.
they have been doing more harm to themselvs withought us.
we still arent doing anything.
we are just a destraction.
but now that we got in the middle of it.. they have turned their focus on us.
a good amount of america dissaproves.
they are afraid.
they dont see the greater picture.
thats fine.
they can be scared.
ill fight later.
give me a year.
ill go out withought support ,
put my life on the line for your safety and freedom.
even if you dont understand now.
in the longrun, your life wont change to much.
not as long as people keep sacraficing their happieness for yours.
i dunno, you dont have to support war.
murder is wrong.
just be thankfull for where you live.
you take more for granted than you might imagine.
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