Name: Jenny
Age: 19
Location: shitty little town in Virginia
How did you hear about us?: surfing through communities on LJ
Music of choice:
[x] Metallica
[x] BlitzKid
[x] Otep
[x] My Ruin
[x] Korn
[x] HIM
[x] Static-X
[x] Adema
[x] Slipknot (etc)
Do you have an idol? Nope
If so, who & why?:
Why do you consider yourself a glitterwhore?: I am not your same stereotype of "goth" or "punk" theres not really a word to describe me...but by the pictures I think it defies what I just said....I would like to think of my style as artistic....and besides I would be a great contribution to the community because I would update alot and be active...and I'll even invite a few people...
Picture of yourself: