[ooc] meme

Jul 09, 2010 02:50

Mun meme stolen from the_flyingman. He doesn't mind. Technically, he's dead anyways~

What's your real name?: I'm known as Holmes on the internet~

Age?: 23

Where do you live?: Washington State, USA. PST baby.

Do you have a job?: Yup. Looking for a new one though.

How much RP experience do you have?: I've been roleplaying since 2001. I didn't switch to LJ until a few years ago, though. I've had plenty of muses over the years.

What are your feelings about shipping?: In RP, there needs to be a level of chemistry and bonding. OOCly, I can ship things like mad, but I won't execute it in RP unless it's cool with everyone and the characters actually work together. Most of my ships are either canon or cross-canons. I'm odd like this, you see.

What are your feelings about smut?: Smut!Fics can be the most hilarious thing on the planet. I tried RPing smut ages ago, back around 2003, but for various reasons stopped. I tried it again recently with a muse that is not Helen. You know how odd it'd be to do with Helen? Pretty odd. Meaning, maybe one day it will happen.

Of course if people want to just go "fade to black they did it", I'm totally fine with that. Smut can be hard to write and it's a comfort zone thing.

Are there things you won't RP?: Extreme torture, explicit sex (don't be crude with your words guys), rape, incest... I'm pretty much open to anything else. As with Helen, I absolutely refuse to roleplay Helen and Will as a couple. It makes no sense.

What are your favorite things to RP?: I love bonding scenes. Those small or large scenes you do where it's just characters talking, maybe holding each other. Kissing and running and adventures are always fun too! That and domestics. Helen and domestic settings are so fun.

What's something you wished would get RPed more?: With Helen? Adventures. I don't get her out tracking Abnormals as much due to it being a rather big investment of time and characters. It's amazing when it's done though.

Are you plot driven?: I am more character-plot driven.

Slow or fast tagger: Fast, I'd say. It depends on how many threads I'm doing with how many characters.

Who are your active muses?: Helen Magnus, the Eleventh Doctor/Tenth/Ninth, John Sheppard (SGA), Zoey Graystone/Zoe-A/Zoe-R (Caprica), and sometimes Samantha Carter (SG-1). I have more but these are the recent active ones.

Your favorite muses to write?: All of them~ but, Helen is going to be that one that stays no matter what I do. I can not play her for months and I still have her voice. It's freaky.

# ( out of character ), & meme

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