prompts 100 ;; ❝ shelter ❞

Jul 08, 2010 19:16

for: slasher_slayer
prompt: shelter
word count: 587
spoilers/notes: No spoilers at all!

Helen’s hands moved slightly once Cassie jerked away. She gave a disapproving glance at the young dark haired woman, reaching over her leg to grab the bandage again. This time she waited until Cassie had settled before going back to bandage her wound.

“Where the fu--hell am I?” Cassie caught herself from cursing. It always seemed so weird to curse in front of Dr. Magnus. Maybe it was because she was so prim and proper and lady like.

“The Sanctuary’s infirmary.” Helen stated, glancing up at her. “Again. I’m starting to wonder if I should reserve a bed for you.”

“You don’t have to do that, Dr. Magnus.”

“Then stop being so bloody reckless..” Helen scolded, looking up at her and being less than pleased. “Honestly, Cassandra. You are a remarkable young woman. All you’re doing by this point is hurting yourself.”

“Hey. I’m doing what I need to do!” Cassie argued. “Someone has to stop this fu--freaking freaks!”

“Really.” Helen placed her hands on the mattress and raised her eyebrows. “At what cost?”


“At what cost?” Helen repeated. She waited until it was clear Cassie didn’t understand what she meant. “For everything anyone does, there is always a cost. At times it’s called karma, other times it’s not. While you are out going after the most dangerous things in the world, and saving others, you are letting it rip you apart piece by piece. And I hardly mean physically. Physical wounds are one thing, Cassandra. Emotional and mental wounds are the things that we never truly heal from.”

Cassie propped herself up slightly, then looked away. There was more of a wound there than Dr. Magnus knew. Or, maybe she did know. There was always this air that she did know. Or, that she knew something, and Cassie could never put her finger on it. It irritated her, drove her nuts, but there had to be a reason Dr. Magnus never told her.

“Now.” Helen finished wrapping her lag and sat next to her on the bed. “I am not about to stop you, because it is your choice to make. You are doing what you believe is right. While I don’t agree this is the best way to go about that, you do. I just want you to be aware of what you are doing to yourself, Cassandra. People care.”

“People caring too much is how it all happened.” Cassie mumbled.

Helen gave a sad smile, tilting Cassie’s head up by the chin with a small nudge. “The thing that I have learned, is that sometimes we have to watch the people we love fall down. Once you fall, you pick yourself back up and continue to try. Caring is not always holding the hand of someone you love. No matter how much you may want to.”

Cassie leaned forward and Helen wrapped her arms around her, holding her securely. The two women rarely sought out comfort of any kind; except for rare moments. It was rather odd, Helen imagined, looking on this situation. Cassie was without a mother and Helen was without a daughter. Not that either ever truly replaced what they were missing. There were some bonds that a person could not break.

“If you’d please contact me next time so that you have some kind of back up, I believe it would make all our lives easier.”

Cassie laughed a bit. “Yeah, I’ll see about that, Dr. Magnus.”

( verse ) open, who; cassandra 'cassie' hack, # prompt, era; early 21st century

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