Dec 11, 2010 22:13

This is still a very, very much WIP collection of lists (as in, I haven't even thought about starting most of them!) but I wanted to get this up now to remind myself to finish it. ♥ Like I said, I haven't even tried figuring out gifts for most characters, and even the people they'll be giving things to isn't a complete list yet, but if you have any suggestions for presents or if you want to tell me that you think a certain character should be on a certain list, go ahead! Suggestions are always appreciated, I-I am terrible and uncreative when it comes to gifts. /gives money to friends for birthdays and christmas sob...

XionROXAS: A wooden photo frame that is decorated with seashells. Inside is a picture of him and Axel, and if he looks at the back of the photo, it simply says Thank you for everything. It's unsigned.



YakoIn addition to these gifts, everyone on this list will receive either a collection of small, delicious Christmassy sweets, or a single larger one. All of the cards are hand-written with personalised messages. (Also, she took some money from the amount they received for solving Aya's case to afford everything without having to dig too much into her family's money.)
NEURO: A small, triangular locket on a chain, both made from inexpensive gold. The card that comes with the locket says "I know a demon like you probably won't want anything like this, but it didn't seem right not to give you a present, too. Look inside it." Folded up inside is the lead for a case - the beginnings of a "mystery" - that she got from Sasazuka.

FUU: A silver bangle with an amethyst embedded in it. "Sorry, I couldn't really afford gold and emerald! I thought it would look nice on you anyway. Merry Christmas, Fuu-san!"

KAITO: A high-quality deck of cards. "I hope these are good; the man running the shop promised me that they are! Merry Christmas, Kuroba-san."

KAITOU KID: A business card. On one side, it says, "Coupon for one free dinner! Redeemable at any time and non-refundable." - but on the reverse, it has a golden triangle with an eye printed on it, and the text across it reads YAKO KATSURAGI DEMON WORLD DETECTIVE AGENCY. It's the only hint she'll give towards the fact that she's trying to figure out his identity.

SEBASTIAN: A pair of nice, white satin gloves. "I know we haven't known each other for very long and we don't know each other very well at all, but you've been very kind to me and it didn't feel right not to give you something! Maybe you can share the sweets with your master? Merry Christmas, Mr. Michaelis! (P.S. - I'm still really sorry about Neuro being a brat, by the way.)"

WILLOW: Books on various subjects; a book on demonology/magic that she checked and found wasn't in the Sunnydale library, a science-related book and a couple of pieces of very good Japanese literature (translated, naturally). "I wasn't really sure what to buy, so I hope this is okay in the end… I felt like I should give you something significant since you've been so helpful and kind to me, but I'm not so good at gift-giving. Anyway - Merry Christmas, Willow!"

AZULA: A ring made from inexpensive gold with a small ruby embedded in it. "Merry Christmas, Fire Lord Azula. I would've gotten you earrings, but I wasn't sure if you have your ears pierced or not… I hope you can at least wear this!"The following people will also receive Christmassy sweets: Adachi, Dexter, Suze, Daryan, Naoto, Crona (with an extra two helpings for Ragnarok. The card attached says DON'T YOU DARE EAT CRONA-SAN'S, RAGNAROK-SAMA), Gale [DDS].
















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