((OOC: MY DREAMS... CRUSHED. Awww! ;_; That's sad~ I hope you can join the madness with SOMEONE though~. X3 I'm Heidi, by the way, I play... a lot of people.))
((OOC: IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SOME SXYLUV. I don't have anyone else on my mind right now, SO I'M PRETTY LOST. I noticed! That's a lot of people to keep up with. AIZEN AND KIRA. *_*))
((OOC: FHLKSHDF SRSLY *Q* D'AW DX Pick up somebody maaan I want to play with you now. You like Lovely Complex, so.. badurh, obviously you are cool. :| AND BLEACH, I SEE? *3* Yes~ Aizen and Kira~~ ))
((OOC: AT LEAST SHE HAS SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT NOW. TRUFAX. MAYBE I COULD BE NOBU-CHAN. Possibly. If she's not taken, too. ;_; ojlkl;hj When I'm not all over L*C, it's BLEACH.))
((OOC: FUFUFUFU HEEE~ :B *bricked for strange noises* ALKSDFHSDLKH OMG NOBUUU~~~ I don't think she's taken. She's amaaazering and obnoxious, I love her. And my penname for art is Nobu since forever, I ttly share a bond with her lulz. XD Homan, BLEACH is awesome stuff too. ♥))
((OOC: hkglhklgh YES!! I HAVE APPLIED FOR HER. ;_; I hope she's not taken ghfjgkjg. Sadly! Nobu-chan is not complete without her DARLING~♥. I'm awesomely AWESOME at obnoxious characters. I've seen like a gazillion million Bleach characters around, BUT I'LL FIND ONE TO BE. Eventually. HOPEFULLY.))
((OOC: YAAAAY!!! I hope you get to play with her sooon~~ *EXCITED* Risa needs her BFF, sigh. Obnoxious characters are the best. They're so FUN. ♥ AND YAAY more Bleach people. Find somebodyyy~~ x3))
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