Soulless (1/1)

Jan 12, 2012 21:29

Title: Soulless
Author: tromana
Rating: T
Characters: Red John
Summary: Why he does what he does.
Disclaimer: Not mine
Notes: Written for the Paint It Red January 2012 Monthly Challenge. Also for Table I on mentalistprompt.


He remembers the first kill like it was yesterday.

He’d been young - too young, even - to be considering such a thing.

Still, he’d done it. It wasn’t even self-defense. He’d just wanted to teach somebody a lesson they wouldn’t forget in a hurry. Remind them that there are two sides to every story, repercussions for every action.

It had just gotten a little out of hand, as such.

But he doesn’t regret it, not for an instance.

Death changes you. Death always changes you.

For the victim, it’s the end of everything. For the culprit, it’s another hole in the heart, another fracture in the brain. Another stone in his shoe and it reminds him of exactly what he’s done with each and every step.

It’s somebody else to think about, to take to carry to the grave.

With the number of people he’s killed now, it’s like the weight of the world is on his shoulders.

However, he tries not to think of it that way. Tries to remind himself of the good, of the positives.

Of why he does what he does.

But it’s hard. Especially so when people think he’s a monster, think he does it for fun, because he enjoys killing.

No. That’s wrong. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

If he enjoyed killing, then yes, he’d agree with the catcalling, the names thrown about. The marring and disgust he’s had to endure for years.

Times don’t change. Year on year, people make the same mistakes; hurt one another in the same ways. Each year, he wishes and hopes that things will change, but it never makes the blindest bit of difference. The vendettas against him have grown, as have the personal attacks. It’s all much the same as the trigger for his original kill, but he’s grown, even if the world as a whole hasn’t.

But he’s gone from correcting individuals, making them aware of their wrongdoings, to teaching the world as a whole.

And he’s gathered, not friends, exactly, but people who share his sentiment. Those who share in the wonders of life as a whole and dream of a life where people live and let live. Where they don’t point fingers, call out names and accuse just because they disagree with somebody.

There was a reason he’d chosen to reinstate an old personal vendetta. Patrick Jane had called him soulless on that damn television show.

Being a killer doesn’t make you soulless.

Sometimes, it means you have even more than the average person.

project: monthly challenges, character: red john, fandom: the mentalist, fic: oneshot

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