Battlefield (15/15 + epilogue)

Jan 28, 2013 14:55

Previous parts: Prologue, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen

In the end, Teresa Lisbon did get her miracle. The moment that Stiles started to cut delicately through her skin, almost too gently considering what he was doing, Kimball Cho burst through the door. With practiced precision, he shot him three times and the man slumped to the ground. If Stiles had decided to end her life as quickly as he had done with Ron's, then she wouldn't have had a chance. In the end, his sense of theatrics saved her life. Desperately, she wanted to give Jane a crushing hug and Cho too, even though she knew he wouldn't appreciate it quite as much. However, Cho wasn't having any of it. Just because Stiles had somehow managed to avoid slicing through any arteries, it didn't mean she hadn't already received a major injury. The wound had only been exacerbated during Stiles' shooting and subsequent collapse and already, Lisbon found herself beginning to feel faint.

As Jane called for an ambulance, looking as white as a sheet, Cho organized a compress for the injury. She didn't argue; she wasn't in any fit state to. Besides, Lisbon knew that she needed the help and was more than willing to let Cho do what he saw as best. Once again, she was infinitely grateful that the CBI saw those arduous First Aid courses as a necessity. Though it didn't seem like it at the time, they really did help to save lives. Few words were spoken between the three of them; only those of utmost urgency slipped from between their lips. At that moment in time, anything they could have said could wait until later. Despite Cho and Jane's protestations, before the EMTs arrived, she ensured she had passed Douglas' diary onto Cho. Beyond that, dissecting what had just happened could wait. And anyhow, the sheer shock of what she had just witnessed - and what had very nearly happened to her - was beginning to take over. She was milliseconds away from becoming Red John's final victim, and they all knew it. The Red John case was closed, albeit tentatively, but she had nearly gone down with it.

It felt like an eternity until she was being wheeled into the ambulance. In reality, everything had happened quickly, but Lisbon had been acutely aware of the blood loss and pain. It was those simple facts that had warped her perception of time itself. Word had already gotten out about the death of Brett Stiles and a Visualize member. However, amongst the gossips, Lisbon's role remained ominously murky. Nobody knew whether or not she was the 'hero' who brought down Red John, if she had been the one to brutally kill Stiles and Ron or if she had been working with them both all along and had had a lucky escape. But she didn't care what Visualize members thought of her; the truth would come out soon enough. For now, all she really wanted to do was sleep.

"I want to go with her," Jane argued before the ambulance pulled her away from him. "I need to."

"It's okay," she muttered when somebody protested. "He can come."

Jane clasped hold of her hand before the EMTs even had a chance to slam the doors shut. For a short while they remained silent, still trying to take in what had actually happened. Even so, Lisbon was just glad to have him back by her side; they should never have been parted in the first place. Eventually, Jane was the one to break the silence and Lisbon was grateful for it. She could feel her whole body shaking like a leaf; an adrenalin rush in spite of her exhaustion.

"I thought I told you to stay safe for me," he said, his voice clearly anguished.

"Please," she croaked quietly. "It's just a flesh wound."

"Says the woman who very nearly had her throat slashed and is still at risk of bleeding out if we don't get to the hospital soon."

Lisbon stared upwards and her vision was becoming increasingly blurred. Spots of light appeared too, but she didn't dare say a word. The medics had done a good job at staunching the flow of blood, but there wasn't anything more they could do there. She had already heard whispers about blood transfusions, blood tests, drugs and operations to repair the damage that had been done. The knife that Stiles had used had already been contaminated and that complicated matters. However, a part of her just didn't want to know the details. Lisbon trusted them to do their jobs, just like she trusted Cho to deal with the crime scene that the Visualize Headquarters had become. Despite being a chronic control freak - one who had been completely out of control for nearly three months and thus, had it drive her a little insane - she knew she was of no use to anyone for now. Besides, it was becoming increasingly difficult to remain conscious. She allowed her eyes to flutter shut. A few minutes rest wouldn't hurt them.

"Hey, stay with me," Jane spoke soothingly and he squeezed her hand a little tighter. "You're doing a great job. Besides, it's been too long since I last saw you. You can't just fall asleep on me now."

"I'm actually beginning to wonder if any of this is real or not."

Jane immediately flashed a look of concern, but Lisbon didn't notice it. She was too busy trying to fight against various instincts and she knew that her mind was getting increasingly messed up. They had to be nearly at the hospital; that was all she could think about. She'd had one wish answered, was it too much to ask for a full recovery on top of that deal?

"I'd give you a hug if I could, just to prove it," he eventually said lightly. "Maybe later, though."

"I'll hold you to that."

"That's my Lisbon," he answered back with a bright grin.

They couldn't talk for much longer and Lisbon didn't have the energy, even if she wanted to. Really, she wanted to discuss more important subjects, but that was completely out of the question. As with before, it was something that needed to wait until later, so she had the cognitive abilities to think it through and do the discussion justice. For now, she was torn away from Jane's side and whisked away for some much needed emergency treatment. She didn't argue; she didn't even have the impetus to do so. If she'd even bothered to try, the doctors wouldn't have listened to her anyway. Like whenever she got a bit between her teeth about a case, they were determined not to lose her when they'd already brought her so far. It was simply out of the question.

Later, she awoke in a pristine white room with the sounds of machines bleeping regularly around her. The smell of disinfectant cloyed in the air and her arm felt uncomfortable. She then noticed the drip; she probably needed some serious hydration after all she been through. Then, Lisbon began to hear Cho's voice over the sounds of the machines. For somebody who was usually so under control when it came to his emotions, he sounded very irate. Immediately, she stiffened every muscle in her body and tried desperately to listen into what was being said. She hated hearing Cho in such a mood; Lisbon knew that it could lead to dangerous situations.

"She is not a prisoner; she's a victim," Cho snapped at whoever he was talking to. The words stung; she still didn't consider herself a victim. She had merely been doing her job, albeit unpaid. "And when she is fully recovered, I look forward to welcoming her back as my boss."

"But all those offences she's committed," argued back the vaguely familiar voice.

"She was framed and we have evidence to prove it. Wayne Rigsby and Grace Van Pelt are currently interrogating our sole surviving suspect."

"Who?" the other person asked, intrigued.

"Lilith Douglas."

"Clear up this mess, Agent Cho. If the case isn't rock solid, then Lisbon will not be returning and I will gladly throw her to the wolves. That's the least she deserves with the sheer contempt she has shown the law as of late."

Then she realized that Cho was talking to Gale Bertram, defending her innocence and attempting to secure her job back. However, she didn't have the time to dwell on it much longer. Jane had slipped into the room with a bunch of lilies in hand and immediately, she turned all of her attentions onto him. Lisbon watched as he made a grand display out of arranging the flowers on the table. She got the distinct impression that he was trying to prolong the amount of time it was before he actually spoke to her. After all, they had very important things to discuss. Eventually, when he was fully satisfied with his handiwork, he sat down opposite her.

"I wanted to get you something nicer, but these were the best they had," he admitted grudgingly.

"They're lovely, Jane. Thank you," she replied and she meant it too.

"No, thank you," he insisted.

"I didn't do anything much. It was your plan; I just reacted in the right ways."

She knew precisely what he was insinuating, but she wasn't really ready to go there just yet. Her head was too addled; Lisbon knew that she'd had a significant amount of drugs pumped into her system, to help ward off infections, to aid blood clotting, to alleviate the pain and whatever else. Therefore, she wanted to wait until she was more lucid before she started talking about Red John. However, before he'd even said a word, Lisbon knew he would argue about delaying the inevitable. This was a topic that they couldn't avoid forever and like ripping off a Band-Aid, it was better to get it over and done with. So, she just let him take the lead and get on with it. In the end, she knew that she would be grateful for that decision, even if she wasn't at this moment in time.

"Don't be like that. There's no need to be so modest," Jane insisted. "You've achieved something incredible."

"If it wasn't for you and Cho, I wouldn't be here at all."


"Besides, neither of us got what we really wanted," she continued, emboldened. "He'll never truly be held accountable for everything he's done."

"Did you really think Red John would ever have come in alive?" Jane asked, but he probably knew the answer anyway.

"No," she admitted and suddenly the situation seemed clearer. Stiles had delayed her murder for a reason; he had wanted to be caught in the act. He knew that if one of her team (excepting Douglas, of course) witnessed him toying with her, then they wouldn't have hesitated to shoot and kill. If he had been able to take her down at the same time, then it would have been an added bonus. Because then, it would have destroyed Jane a second time around in spite of his death. But somehow, she had gotten out of it alive. By all accounts, she shouldn't have, but she had. And nobody was more relieved about that simple fact than her.

"Suicide by cop suits him, don't you think?" Jane said lightly.

"That's a rather odd way to phrase it, Jane."

Lisbon shrugged her shoulders, ignoring the pain in her throat and they fell into a restive silence. In that time, Jane's hand moved to her own. His fingers clasped around hers in much the same way as they had in the ambulance. Just as she had been then, she was grateful for the gentle touch. Even more so considering, this time, there was no sense of desperate urgency. She didn't feel like she was trying to die now; instead, she was on the road to recovery.

"Jane?" she said quietly.


"What are you going to do now? You always said that after Red John..."

He chuckled gently. They were both aware of what he had said in the past and though Lisbon knew that things were different between them now, she still needed to hear the confirmation.

"I think I might stick around. Somebody needs to make sure you keep out of trouble. You've given us all quite the scare."

"Don't you think I need to keep an eye on you too?" she questioned and raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Ah, but nothing I do lands up with a life-threatening situation. It may be risky, yes, but I never get close to death," he answered back and she scowled. "Besides, what about you, Teresa? Will you really go back to the CBI?"

"If they'll have me, then yes." She didn't need to think about it twice. Her job was her passion and she had felt lost without it. Even with the relative stability of Visualize for the past couple of months, she knew it wasn't the place that she belonged.

"Oh they'll have you back, especially if I have anything to do with it."

Suddenly, he leaned forwards and gave her an impromptu kiss on the forehead. For a second, she was startled but then she saw that he was preparing to leave. And it was in good time, too. She was beginning to feel drowsy again and in need of a nap. Besides, he probably had a lot of work to do anyway.

"Now you rest and get better. This time, listen to me, okay?" he instructed.

"I thought I was your boss?" she countered.

"Not at the moment, so make sure you do as I say."

She kept her eyes on him as he exited the room. Though she was loath to admit it, he did dispense excellent advice on occasion. And the drama would soon be over. She would be able to get back to normality and that was all she ever wanted.

Soon, she repeated to herself. Soon.

Despite her wish for it all to be over, Lisbon knew that it inevitably wouldn't be. Fighting crime was an endless task; just as one criminal was put safely behind bars, another three popped up in his place. Still, as she walked into the CBI headquarters after a period of six weeks convalescence, Lisbon felt more at ease than she had done so for several months.

As much as things had changed, things had gotten back to being exactly the same.

After much soul-searching and consideration, Wayne Rigsby asked for his old job back and he was instantly welcomed back with open arms. Lilith Douglas was charged with numerous crimes and imprisoned, awaiting trial. And finally, Lisbon herself was back, her name fully cleared, with more than a little thanks to Kimball Cho, who behaved like a Rottweiler in defending her good name.  Any misdemeanors she may have carried out were entirely disregarded and justified as being a part of ‘the operation to bring down Red John’. Initially, she had been dubious about her return, but it turned out that she was given a hero's welcome.

In a way, she was. But that didn’t mean she necessarily saw herself in that way.

And that was another thing that wasn't quite over. Visualize was undergoing a heavy investigation, but that didn't stop some members from
committing felonies in retaliation for what the CBI had done to Brett Stiles. Some members were just too far in to realize that he had been a
serial killer and lived a life of denial. Red John continued to haunt them, even after his death.

Before she opened the door to her office, she ran a finger along the scar at the base of her neck. It was a constant reminder of just how close she was to death. After sorting everything she needed to out in her office, reading through the notes of their latest case, she went through to the bullpen to brief her team, Jane included.

It was time for her to get back to work.

character: teresa lisbon, character: wayne rigsby, story: battlefield, fandom: the mentalist, fic: multiparter, character: grace van pelt, character: red john, character: kimball cho, project: mentalist big bang, character: patrick jane

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