Title: Do Not Pass Go (1/1)
tromanaRating: PG-13
Characters: Jane/Lisbon friendship
Summary: [AU] Jane, giving into the regime. Lisbon, trying to look for the positives.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: None
Notes: Written for
15genres1prompt. Genre: dystopia. Also for
mentalistprompt:013: distractions. Title as in monopoly, yeah, I know...
They were fighting a losing battle. )
Comments 8
Red John took over the United States? Yeah...I'm moving to Antartica. I'm sorry. I don't think I can handle working for a psychopath. :D
(This was an excellent read, and I absolutely loved it. These genre pieces are becoming more and more fun to read/write. :D)
Yeah, I think Antartica would probably be safer than moving to Europe or Asia, for example. Once he's taken over the United States, it'd only be a matter of time before he targeted other more inhabitable western countries.
(I'm glad you're enjoying them. This is such an interesting/fun project!)
I would kinda love to read a longer story in this settinv, it has soooo much potential.
Loved this, really, I'm saving it.
I would love to explore this setting a little more at some point, we'll see.
Thank you very much, by the way. :-)
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