Unofficial table claim for 1character

Jun 10, 2019 15:48

Rigby carefully runs the brush through Jimmy's hair until the dark waves shine; when she'd first asked him if she could, he'd been shocked and a little cautious, but she has a feeling -- judging by the happy sighs he makes -- that it has become one of his favorite activities that they do together.

Rigby's never considered herself to be spoiled, but when she compares her childhood to the little snippets that Jimmy has shared with her after much coaxing, she realizes that maybe she was born with a silver-plated spoon in her mouth after all.

Rigby's just idealistic enough to think that maybe Fate had a hand in bringing Jimmy and her together -- she needed someone to help her loosen up and he needed someone to show him how to love.

She's always gotten good grades, never broken the rules, she was always the perfect little daughter who never did anything wrong; she didn't realize how much fun she'd been missing in life until she met Jimmy.

A thick haze of smoke blanketed the living room, and the sound of Rigby's laughter echoed off the walls as Jimmy and she shared her first joint.

"Oh my god, I've never been so hungry in my life," Rigby said in amazement as she opened her refrigerator door and started pulling out food, completely missing the smirk on Jimmy's face because her back was to him.

The August heat in the city is unbearable, but the heat generated between the friction of their bodies as they come together in the cooling water of the shower is scorchingly pleasant.

Jimmy moves through his life with a careless abandon, going wherever the wind happens to take him, and Rigby envies that trait.

Jimmy's asleep and Rigby's fingers dance across the contours of his bare chest, lingering over each of the tattoos; she knows each of them have a meaning, and she can't help but wonder if he'll ever tell her.

Her skin smells faintly of vanilla and sugar the first thing they have sex, which Jimmy finds hilariously appropriate considering the innocence that she radiates.

Jimmy quickly learns that the decadent confection known as chocolate in any of its various form is the only thing to soothe the savage beast that Rigby becomes four days out of every month.

Rigby's never been the object of someone's hate before, but she swears she can feel the sting of Tammy's malice as the blonde glares at her; she swallows and snuggles into Jimmy's side, feeling safer when his arm automatically goes around her.

Jimmy and Jude could pass for twins, and most people would probably be freaked out by that, but Rigby just shrugs it off, equating them to Spock and Mirror Spock, since they're completely opposite of each other.

Rigby tastes like blue raspberry bubblegum and her lips and tongue are blue, but Jimmy doesn't mind; she's sweet and he likes the way she melts from his tongue.

Rigby firmly believes in the idea of soulmates and, even though they're from opposite ends of the spectrum and that probably means they shouldn't work so well together, she knows that Jimmy is hers.

The angry words hang in the air between them, and Rigby feels her heart clench because they can't be unspoken; it breaks completely when Jimmy wordlessly turns away and stalks out of the apartment.

Jimmy scowls in frustration at the display of the cell phone Rigby insisted on buying him so she could reach him in case of an emergency; he doesn't know what he's done, but the damned screen is blank and he can't get it to turn off.

Jimmy wouldn't go so far as to say that he loved Rigby, but there's definitely attraction; to put it simply (if a bit clichéd), he could -- maybe -- be considered the moth to her flame, though he'd never admit it aloud.

Rigby's quickly becoming addicted to the way that Jimmy's face lights up when he's happy; she'd do anything to cause that look to happen again and again.

Rigby knows that her brother and parents don't approve of Jimmy, but she can't really be bothered to care; they don't know him like she does, so they can't see the wonderful man that he is underneath that tough guy facade.

Rigby never realized the importance of the little things, like the touch of Jimmy's fingers on her hair or the brush of his lips against her shoulder as they snuggled in bed until they weren't there because of a stupid little fight.

Rigby's startled when she opens her apartment door to find Jimmy awkwardly holding a rose out to her and tears spring to her eyes; sure, it's a little wilted, but it's the gesture that counts -- he really does love her, even if he doesn't say it.

Sometimes Rigby thinks that Jimmy wears a scowl to keep people at bay, to stop them from trying to delve into the mystery that is he who has no last name because he disowned his parents; Rigby doesn't mind, she's just grateful that she's around to witness the moments when he lets the mask slip.

Rigby thinks that the best part of her relationship with Jimmy has to be the unpredictability -- she never knows what he's going to do from minute to minute and it's quite refreshing and exciting.

Jimmy's never cared much for the taste of tea, but he'll indulge Rigby's whims, such as her wish to have a Japanese tea ceremony for two, especially after he learns that she's naked under her kimono.

There's no snow on the ground, but Rigby is still freezing; Jimmy blows warm air across her hands and then smirks, knowing a few ways to warm her up.

Cradling Rigby in his arms, Jimmy's close to freaking out because her pulse is way too irregular for his liking; he's never cared before what happened to someone if they overdosed on the stuff he gave them, but this time, it's killing him.

When Rigby opens the glove box in Jimmy's car so she can stash her lipstick there, the first thing that catches her eye is a photograph of her, and she can't help but smile because it's just another unspoken sign that he really does care.

Whether or not Rigby grows old with Jimmy, she knows that she will always treasure the memories that they make together.

Jimmy arches an eyebrow but doesn't make any comment as Rigby hangs the crystal star from the rearview mirror, secretly thinking that it adds a nice touch to his car and a subtle reminder of her.

Rigby doesn't need any alcohol to get that euphoric feeling that she gets when she's drunk because she knows that Jimmy's kisses produce the same effect.

Rigby secretly hopes that Jimmy sticks around for a long time because she likes his company -- oh, who is she kidding, she totally loves him -- but she knows that he's not into commitment, so she doesn't push.

Rigby's a little uncertain of what Jimmy plans to do with that silk cord in his hands, but the mischievous look on his face and the promise that he wouldn't hurt her puts her slightly at ease, and she gives him the go ahead; what seems like hours passes, and as she falls back in mind-numbing bliss, she thinks that maybe, just maybe, she could get used to this rope kink.

"Why, I do declare, I think I'm feeling a case of the vapors coming on," Rigby said as she placed the back of her hand against her forehead and swooned, knowing that despite his many complaints about her silly antics, he'd always be there to catch her.

Jimmy likens Rigby to a butterfly -- she's bright and colorful, full of energy as she flits around life, seemingly aimless, and also vulnerable due to her delicate nature.

Rigby knows the double chocolate brownies Jimmy baked are an attempt to make her feel better, and she happily accepts them, even if they are slightly burnt.

Rigby has always felt like her brother and father treat her with kid gloves, trying to cushion her from the real world, so she welcomes the roughness that Jimmy brings to her life.

Jimmy's never been to St. Louis, and since it's Rigby's hometown, she decides to give him a tour of the city, her favorite part being when they kiss on the observation deck of the Gateway Arch.

Coup de foudre
Rigby never believed in love at first sight -- “Explain to me how anybody could just take one look at a person and think ‘Oh my gosh, I’m so in love with him!’” she challenged all of her friends -- and then she met Jimmy.

As Rigby lies alone in her bed, staring at the vacant space next to her, she wonders if this burning, sick feeling in her stomach is how a junkie feels when they’re jonesing.

Jimmy watches with amusement as Rigby dances around the bedroom in her bra and underwear, singing ’99 Red Balloons’ under her breath as she picks out her clothes; he suspects that she hasn’t realized he’s awake yet.

Rigby nervously chews on her lip as she leaves an envelope containing two one-way tickets in their names to Sydney, Australia on the dashboard of his car.

They sit across from each other at the dining room table, both eating silently and one of them avoiding the other’s glance; Jimmy knows that something’s up, but doesn’t question Rigby’s silence.

Rigby curls up in a ball on her bed and sobs uncontrollably into her pillow, feeling a conflict of emotions over the fact that she hadn’t known how to tell Jimmy about the life that had been growing inside of her, and now she won’t have to because that tiny life is suddenly gone.

Rigby chuckles and shakes her head as she flavors Jimmy’s cough medicine with raspberry extract, “Why should I not be surprised that a tough guy like you becomes a whiny, pathetic baby when he’s sick?”

One night, after about a month of Jimmy crashing on her couch every night, Rigby casually mentions to him that there’s really no sense in him staying out there in the cold, drafty living room when there’s plenty of room for two in her bed.

“I don’t think a clump of trees in the middle of Central Park really counts as a forest, Jimmy,” Rigby mumbles against his lips as his hand slides under her skirt.

Jimmy has no idea how exactly he got tangled up in this mess, but he does know that he isn’t going to just stand by and let Tammy hurt his Cookie, so he steps in to break up the fight.

It’s a handful of years into their relationship, and Rigby’s feeling reckless one day, so she corners Jimmy into a wall and fits her body against his, whispering into his ear, “Let’s elope.”

Ways and Means
There are infinite ways to achieve a desired end result -- in this case, corrupting a beautiful, young woman -- and Jimmy has employed them all, but he never anticipated that a tattooed breast would be the gateway to Rigby’s degradation.

comm: 1character, featuring: jimmy, verse: saint jimmy, what: prompt table

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