Jan 29, 2011 19:17

Character: Vanille
Series: Final Fantasy XIII
Character Age: 19
Canon: Welcome to Cocoon, a floating hub of human activity. The people there go through their daily lives much as we do, except they have one terrible fear: the lower world of Pulse looming below them, said to be a constant threat to their way of life. Both Pulse and Cocoon are ruled by magical creatures called fal'Cie. These beings care, govern, and use humans to do their biding. Those who come in contact with a fal'Cie are branded with a specific marking on their body and turned to l'Cie, forced against their will to do the wishes of the fal'Cie and fulfill a vague task given to them called a "Focus." If they fail, they become monsters, but if they succeed they become crystal, and, according to the world's legends, "live forever."

A l’Cie chosen by one of the Pulse fal’Cie, Vanille is all smiles and laughter. Doing her best to be kind to everyone she meets, she ends up befriending various strangers because of her willingness to help others. Okay, she’s a bit of a crybaby, and sometimes a scaredy-cat, but she’s willing to lie to make sure people’s feelings are spared, even if it means she ends up shouldering the consequences on her lonesome. Ready for battle and willing to try anything from taking down a bear to pulling wool from unruly sheep, she’s a girl of nature, and often finds herself wandering to enjoy the sights and smells of the world around her. Despite her outward expressions, Vanille is a deeply internalized individual; her fear, guilt and worry are pushed deep down inside where no one can see. She’s stubborn enough to keep face and bring up party morale, even if she’s the only one trying. It’s all she can do to keep moving forward and finding another way to fulfill her, and everyone else’s, Focus. After all, we make miracles happen ourselves.

Sample Post:

I’ve looked at this place from every angle! Up, down, left, right--even from the middle of one of those corn fields. Ooh, but I still don't get the name! Camp … um, Fuck You Die? It looks just the opposite. I guess the appearances may be different from what I'm used to, but all I have to do is look around! Look, look! There's all different kinds of life in this place. That includes you. Don’t let anyone else tell you different. Then there's the fields and fields corn, and the gorillas, and the birds, and all the campers too. Oh, and Marcy, of course!

That was her name, right? The biiiig creature in the middle of the pond with all the tentacles. She looked a little intimidating, but then again, she could've just been in a sour mood when you told her how you felt about her. Things get that way sometimes, you know. Maybe she's just trying to work out something complicated, and goes on waving her tentacles around when she gets upset! But I wouldn't try approaching her again until she calms down. Sometimes girls need time to think through things on their own to make the decisions right for them. It was a very nice confession, I promise! It might have just caught her by surprise! Don’t worry, it’ll all work out for you. Think of it like a boost in self-confidence! That’s right, I think that you were very brave to announce your feelings like that. After what happened she'll have to take you up on your offer the next time she sees you! You're a handsome young … oh, um … what were you again? On second thought, nevermind! It can be your little secret!

Come on now, no more moping. You did your best, and you never know, she may even change her mind. How about we forget about it for now? That’s right, we’ll just deal with it later. Instead, we can peel silk off some corn, or make some necklaces at the arts and crafts hut. You know, or you could help me come up with a better name for this place! You live here too, so you need to pitch in. I already have a few ideas. I like the sound of “Camp Field You Live” much, much better. It covers everything! The two big parts of this place, the corn field part and living part. Maybe even something like “Camp Tentacles You Love”--oh no! I didn’t mean to remind you of Marcy. No no, turn that frown upside down! Let’s turn this place into “Camp Corn and Confidence”!

That's 42 in and 6 out which makes a whopping 87.5% over this way!


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