5. I visited Penn because I was already visiting Haverford and Swarthmore nearby, and it was an Ivy League school. Then I fell a little in love with my tour guide, who was arty and accomplished, and the other kids I met seemed similarly intense and interesting/interested. I got the impression that it helped to be in a city; Haverford and Swat felt like cloistered suburbia: the college years, whereas I thought a city might attract city people and expand my frame of reference.
And it turned out that I do love Penn. I didn't take advantage of being there as much as I would have liked, but it was worth it alone just to have met Michael, Jess Mo., Arielle, Topher, and Brian, not to mention my "mentor" profs like Jamie and Prof. Dunning.
6. The reason I call my icon "Lolita-esque" is that it's a dorky Halloween re-creation of the iconic Vintage book cover (see here, e.g.).
2. I shouldn't be whiny about other people's associations, but the persona in "4th of July" has had a pretty messed-up life, multiple lost jobs, failed relationships, etc. Mine hasn't been so bad/unsuccessful! However, I appreciate the sentiment about honest self-criticism and pride and happiness looking forward.
And it turned out that I do love Penn. I didn't take advantage of being there as much as I would have liked, but it was worth it alone just to have met Michael, Jess Mo., Arielle, Topher, and Brian, not to mention my "mentor" profs like Jamie and Prof. Dunning.
6. The reason I call my icon "Lolita-esque" is that it's a dorky Halloween re-creation of the iconic Vintage book cover (see here, e.g.).
2. I shouldn't be whiny about other people's associations, but the persona in "4th of July" has had a pretty messed-up life, multiple lost jobs, failed relationships, etc. Mine hasn't been so bad/unsuccessful! However, I appreciate the sentiment about honest self-criticism and pride and happiness looking forward.
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