Kingdom Hearts, 01, Lost Memories

Jan 30, 2008 21:37

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Title: Lost Memories
Claim: Riku/Sora
Other characters/pairings: Axel/Roxas, Kairi, um, Demyx, Ansem the Wise, KH1! Ansem
Table link: here
Theme name and number: 1, Mermaids
Rating: T
Warnings: Yaoi, obviously. clichés, and ...that's about it!
Summary: Sora should've known that bringing the boy from the ocean into his house would've been a bad idea...
A/N -- please keep in mind that this is a cliche. It... was supposed to be a third of it's length. It turned out to be almost 8,000 words. sorry. D: But I hope you like it.

( “Once upon a time, before either you or I were born, mermaids swam beneath the waters of the ocean, just as free as could be.” )

aurons_fan, kingdom hearts

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