UPDATED 05/22.2011
type: bug/poison
ability: tinted lens
level: 33
nature: timid;
often scatters things
holding: none
• tackle [NRM]
• disable [NRM]
• foresight [NRM]
• supersonic [NRM]
• confusion [PSY]
• poisonpowder [PSN]
• leech life [BUG]
• stun spore [GRS]
• psybeam [PSY]
• sleep powder [GRS]
• gust [FLY]
→ Parasprite is a sweet, shy little bug who does her best not to get in her trainer's way, and tries very hard to be helpful. As a Venonat, she was a little clumsy, and had a habit of accidentally making messes wherever she went (knocking things over, spilling things, scattering things, etc.), but she always meant well, and she was always trying her very best.
Now that she's evolved, she's exponentially more graceful, and happily helps out her trainer wherever she can, to great success.
type: normal
ability: run away
level: 20
nature: quirky;
loves to eat
holding: none
• scratch [NRM]
• foresight [NRM]
• defense curl [NRM]
• quick attack [NRM]
• fury swipes [NRM]
• helping hand [NRM]
→ If you have something for him to nibble on, you will be his bestest friend ever, but aside from that, he's honestly a little bit of a space case... just like his previous trainer, Sweetie Belle. She was Rarity's sister, so Rarity keeps Munchies and Marker both close for that reason.
type: normal
ability: cute charm
level: 17
nature: serious;
somewhat stubborn
holding: none
• pound [NRM]
• charm [NRM]
• encore [NRM]
• sing [NRM]
• sweet kiss [NRM]
• copycat [NRM]
• magical leaf [GRS]
→ Marker prefers to keep to himself. He's very single-minded, focused mostly on training and battle. He hates being called cute, and he's wary of Rarity; he'd just been getting used to Sweetie Belle when she went home and he was passed on to Apple Bloom, and then to Rarity a week later when Apple Bloom went home. He's decided not to get attached, lest he be abandoned again.
type: normal
ability: limber
level: 22
nature: sassy;
strongly defiant
holding: none
• fake out [NRM]
• scratch [NRM]
• growl [NRM]
• hypnosis [PSY]
• faint attack [DRK]
• fury swipes [NRM]
→ Opal was purchased as an egg and named after Rarity's own cat from back home. Unfortunately, she seems to be taking her name very seriously, because she's every bit as snarky and defiant as her namesake. She and Rarity don't quite get along.
type: ghost/flying
ability: aftermath
level: 28
nature: bashful;
good perseverance
holding: nothing
• constrict [NRM]
• minimize [NRM]
• astonish [GHO]
• gust [FLY]
• focus energy [NRM]
• payback [DRK]
• stockpile [NRM]
• spit up [NRM]
• swallow [NRM]
→ Amethyst was received as an egg from Siesta 410. Rarity wanted a flying Pokémon to make deliveries for her business, but she didn't want a bird Pokémon. She decided Drifloons were cute.
type: ghost/dark
ability: stall
level: 15
nature: brave;
highly curious
holding: nothing
• moonlight [NRM]
• scratch [NRM]
• leer [NRM]
• foresight [NRM]
• night shade [GHO]
• astonish [GHO]
• fury swipes [NRM]
→ Tanzi was Rarity's Easter egg! More info later. ♥
type: rock/ground
ability: rock head
level: 14
nature: timid;
good endurance
holding: nothing
• mud sport [GRD]
• tackle [NRM]
• harden [NRM]
• bind [NRM]
• screech [NRM]
• rock throw [RCK]
• rage [NRM]
→ Onyx was received from Mammon; Rarity needed a Pokémon to help her and the girls get back to Cherrygrove quickly to pick up Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. She's essentially used only for travel.
type: normal
ability: keen eye
level: 24
nature: hardy;
good endurance
holding: none
• scratch [NRM]
• foresight [NRM]
• defense curl [NRM]
• quick attack [NRM]
• fury swipes [NRM]
• helping hand [NRM]
• follow me [NRM]
→ Diamond is a sturdy little gal. She survived the entire hard winter, despite being very young, and Rarity found her digging in the snow for something to eat. She still loves to eat, but she's much better fed now. Her endurance and hardiness keep her going strong in battle and through tough travel.
type: grass/poison
ability: chlorophyll
level: 23
nature: sassy;
highly curious
holding: none
• vine whip [GRS]
• growth [NRM]
• wrap [NRM]
• sleep powder [GRS]
• poisonpowder [PSN]
• stun spore [GRS]
• acid [PSN]
→ Citrine is a mouthy little snit, and he's not afraid to lash his teammates if they disagree with him or try to steal his limelight. He's not brave enough to try it with Rarity, though - while Diamond might put up with his abuse, she won't put up with his abusing Rarity.