i don't reach many people via blog, but figure it's worth a shot anyway.
Red Cross. for disaster aid, i believe it's true: every little bit counts. i don't have gobs of money to give away, but i know i live in luxury. if like me you've found it difficult both read and not read the news these past several days, sacrifice a few lattes, eat dinner at home for a week, and you'll find something to give.
on a happier note, today was perfectly lovely in new haven. the weather is absolutely beautiful, and i woke up early enough to get some things done at home and jog my butt to the gym before classes started.
i may just have a schedule worked out...or rather, classes picked out (the schedule is yet to be finalized):
Biology and Society in 20th Century MW 11:30-12:20
this class seems pretty cool. i'm going with it over Lives in Science, a different history class with some overlap (the first covers history of biology and its roles today, the second is a compilation of biographies of some big science people), largely because the professor of the first is just, well, more grown up. we get to read Brave New World (Huxley), and the Island of Dr Moreau (HG Wells) among other things. looks good.
Genetics TTh 11:30-12:45
the only class with a traditional textbook this term. classic bio class (same room as three others i've had), and a respectably excited professor.
Autism and Associated Developmental Disorders T 3:30-5:20, plus three hours of supervised experience.
i haven't gone to this yet (school started on wednesday this week), but i sure as hell better end up taking it. it's about damn time. i shouldn't have an issue getting in (woo, senior psych major!), so i'm hoping for the best next week.
Educational Psychology W 2:30-4:20
i really hope this one works out. it's in the teacher prep program, and is taught primarily by a really cool, older AP Psych/AP History/Econ high school teacher. the first class got me all excited about teaching again, and it'd be a nice compliment to the autism seminar. however, if i have to drop something due to workload, it'll have to go.
Directed Research whenever the hell i can fit it in.
aka, lab. same ol' stuff. which means i've got the hang of it, and that's a great feeling.
Research Topics in the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Friday 3:30-4:30
aka, journal club. easy peasy. and sounds nice and fancy on the transcript, especially for a nearly free A. woo.
so there we have it. 5.5 credits (which is a lot for you crazy multiple credits per class people), and a need to nudge the gpa in a happy direction. but i've got some impressive diversity between my classes, so i'm quite looking forward to the semester.
i take the gre saturday morning, and after that i plan to knit a lot this weekend to wind down from the last two months of it hanging over me. expect a happy yarny update in a few days..