Nov 11, 2005 09:04
Alrighty, well i'm officially pissed... I downloaded the new version of AIM and it effed up my computer so i haven't been able to get on. I can finally get online, but i can't get on AIM, and there's someone i need to talk to thats kinda important. So today we have no school.. Imma hang out with someone but not quite sure who yet.. call me up if ya wanna? Jamie's having a bon fire, she invited autumn over me. yippee skippee. Sairas in a big fight with David and she's strechin it out, while he could care less. it cracks me up. Phil wore his long live ian shirt yesterday because the "Freeland Ian" apparently died. he he. I am supposed to make a shirt.. maybe i will today if i dont find anything to do. Tony said he'd sit on me if i didn't LMFAO. I can still look at away messages and profiles, just not im people.. I have my ways *evil laugh*. well i proboly should go... i'm trying to fix this gay ass computer..
Leave Love ((< 3))