Jun 05, 2005 13:55
Hello everyone, it's actually June 9th today, but I'm going to say it's June 5th considering this is something that I wrote a long time ago, never posted, but I am not going to finish it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, I present to you my latest Live Journal entry, it’s going to be a long one, considering it’s the past... over a week. You may read what you want, or none at all, it really doesn’t affect me... except for wasting my time if no one reads this.
Friday (May 27th) Hmm, this is hard to think back this far, I don’t remember what went on at school, but that day Kessie and Veronica came over, we took some “illegal fireworks” and went to set them off near a golf course, and then in Deer Ridge. We went to peoples houses to see if they had apples to blow up, but no one was home and we ended up at Scott’s house... which was weird because I hadn’t talked to him for about a year. I’m glad we ended up there, because then him and his friend Eric came to hang out with us, and they’re honestly the coolest people ever... those two got along with Veronica really well because they’re all so smart. I was happy to see Scott again, hope to see him again some time. We got back to my house, like 35 minutes late, so luckily my parents didn’t notice since they came back moments after we got in. Veronica didn’t end up sleeping over since her mom was on her way, but Kessie did… and we... set everything we could find on fire, then watched Euro-Trip and went to bed.
Saturday-In the morning, we ordered an “inappropriate” movie and I think it’s going to show up on my T.V. bill… oh well. We dressed up like freaks and headed off to Fairview Mall, where we bought... clothes I think... and C.D.’s. I was buying Fall Out Boy, and it was with one of those deal things, where you save like half off of one of the other C.D.’s… but sadly there were no good C.D.’s, so I guessed and picked Garbage. I didn’t like it, at all, so I gave it to my dad as a “present”. He said “Well, that’s great, but where’s my card?” So I went looking for his debit card, all over, and couldn’t find it. Losing your dad’s debit card is not a good feeling. My brother rushed Kessie and I back to the mall, but it was gone, so yeah... got yelled at a bit. Kessie couldn’t get a drive home, so she slept over another night, and we got Tasha to come over too. It was incredibly fun! We prank phone called a bunch of people, so a tow truck went to pick up a car that rear-ended another car at the same address that someone was invited to a party and was bringing their friends to. People are so gullible, plus poor Chrissy... we were a bit annoyed so we accidentally ordered pizzas, wings, pop, brownies, and such from three different places to her house. What a shame. We dressed up as freaks and around 11 30 we walked to Petro-Canada to get a lot of Candy, then we walked through the Car Wash, and ate our candy in a tent in front of the Brick. During that time period, we lost Tasha’s cape, probably when we were running away from the imaginary guy on the white bicycle. It was an awesome night.
Sunday- They left early because I had to go to brunch at my neighbour’s house, and I was dumb enough to eat breakfast before I went. It was amazing, like a couple courses, and they were Belgian dishes, realllly good, I wish I could have eaten more and gotten really fat. After I went back and cleaned my room, only took about 3 hours. When that was done, I took a quick nap... which wasn’t so quick, and my sister woke me up and I realized I was late for a job interview at Sports World. AH! I rushed over, and then waited in line for half an hour to realize I was in the wrong place. I was really late, but I still got the job. She said “Hi, I lost my sheet so I’m going to make the questions up” I answered them, and then she asked me if I wanted the job. Nooooo, I just came to the interview for kicks. It was awesome though. Came home and worked on my art until I had to go to bed, which I didn’t. I stayed up another 2 hours to write notes to Nick and Cassandra, which was hard because I didn’t know what to write. Everything always sounds better in your head.
Monday- The Day of Silence. It was upsetting, really upsetting actually. I was crying the whole morning, so my teachers just let me sit out in gym, and let me be during my classes. At the end of 3rd period, Nick came to me with the word “office” written on his hand. We went, and Mr. Easton treated us like we were two, and was an insensitive jerk, as he is about everything. Farren and I were crying while he bad mouthed Nick’s idea, then Veronica talked back to him so she had to say a bit longer. We got back to class, and continued as planned until the end of the day. Farren and I weren’t talking, and went to go say bye to everyone before band, but they were all talking, so we started too. After band (so fun) Nick came back to meet Farren, but my mom wasn’t coming for an hour or so, so they waited, as well as Patrick, and later Cory. We just talked for a while, and had tomato fights/ played baseball towards the cars. My mom picked me up, then I went to soccer, and we lost 9-1... but at least I scored again. I saw Farren and Nick and soccer too, and Farren lost as well. We’re so good.
And I'll end there because I don't feel like continuing.