So about this little thing we're calling love...
You know what I think? I think it’s a waste of time. People always end up getting hurt, whether it’s because that person doesn’t return the feeling, or perhaps because they “love” someone else. Maybe they stop feeling that feeling altogether, there’s just nothing there, and they “lose interest”.
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There is this planet and its the Krikket planet (no relation to the game) and they have this huge smoke cloud over their entire planet. They can't even see the stars so therefor they have no belief in life other then theirs. They don't even look at the sky. Its like its not even there, there is sun, but you can't look at the sun so they just dont egnoledge the sky at all.
Just the whole idea, I guess. You are only feeling this because you are unaware of the feel of an entirley diffrent emotion..I guess I am just an idiot and I am saying all this because I have nothing better to do, so feel free to ignore it all.
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