(no subject)

May 10, 2005 21:33

Hello Everyone,
It's my duty to inform you of the events of my weekend. Best weekend in a long time, but if you don't care then go to the right hand corner of your screen where there should be a little "x". If you click it, it will re-direct you to a website where they are giving out free answers to homework, as well as food samples and the occasional porn pop-up. Go ahead, try it.

So on Thursday, my "Super Nanny" (as she likes to call herself) Danielle ordered us some pizza, and then we went to Dairy Queen to get more pizza (the ice cream kind). Earlier, I was talking to Kessie on the phone, and her and Danielle were having a bit of phone sex, so we decided to drop by her house and give her a piece. It was funny when we got there because then Danielle suddenly realized who Kessie was and said "Wait a minute! I remember you, you're the one who got Listerine all over the mirrors and made a big mess right after I cleaned!" Kessie and I had forgotten about that, but she still got her pizza, but Danielle denied her of the sex she had promised. Since we were right by Erb Street, we swung by Nick's house to give him my half eaten piece but he was skating with Tyler at Nowhere, so I gave it to Cassandra, but sadly she did not eat it. I had to chase Danielle out of the driveway because she was leaving without me but she stopped to lick her fingers and I got in just in time before we sped of to Farren's. (Which I gave her the wrong directions to, so when we actually got there she didn't believe me and drove past) She came in and told Farren's parents not to be afraid if I wet the bed, and just call her. I do that a lot... I'm kidding oh god. Farren and I did whatever it is that we usually do and I think we were sleeping by like 12:30... not bad I guess for a school night.

Friday-We awoke late and hurriedly got ready for school. Farren began to jazz her outfit up by looking crazy, so I joined her. Our excuse was that it was for dodge ball. We went to Nick's, then were on our way to school when we saw Tyler and Tawney, and Tyler was bearing gifts. (Nick's temporary deck since he snapped his) so they went back to put it away, which I think was the main reason that Farren, Tyler and Nick were late, resulting in them having detentions, which meant they couldn't play dodge ball. FUCKERS! We had to play without them and John, so Matt, Matt and Edgar subbed and we were at a disadvantage since we were missing a girl. We still won though, heck yes! We started playing another game but didn't get to finish it, We were tied 1-1 though. After school we headed over to Nick's, and Veronica left because she was bored, so we had to have fun without her. We ordered pizza with nickles and dimes, and I fell in love with the pizza guy and really wanted to grab his rear end as he was counting the money. They refrained me from doing so and we had a picnic on Nick's front lawn. Farren and Nick went and did it in Cassandra's room while Tyler beat me with a belt and cracked all my toes and such. We started making each other faint, then Nick and Farren were done there fuck session so they joined us in the kitchen where Tyler gave us a lesson on lighters. After this we made each other faint again, and we were sure that Nick died. I think I missed a couple things, such as skateboarding, breaking Nick's Dad's Prized Turtle, and playing a lot of tag, but that's fine. After we went home and.... I forget what we did that night, but we fell asleep watching Cheaper by the Dozen (The only thing we could watch was something rated PG because Farren's T.V. thing was changed because Austin was over.)

Saturday- I woke up in the morning to Farren's brother Dylan spitting water on my face, got to love him. I fell asleep on the couch, so I went into Farren's room and we died half our hair black and got ready for the day. We dressed up like idiots and got dropped off at the mall. We began to look around wondering where Nick and Tyler were, which we guessed was West 49. On our way there, Farren says "Guys like food don't they?" and we turned and sure enough they were right there. We tried sneaking up on them, but failed miserably. They thought we looked like freaks but that's alright. We were waiting for them to finish and surprise surprise Tyler had to go to West 49 to get screwed... his skateboard that is. Farren and I went and DID IT... for him while they ate, and we got back then randomly went through stores looking for something to give to Cassandra for her birthday. In the end we got her four cards that had nothing to do with birthdays, a long twisting lollipop, a banana candle, two jawbreakers (well we ate one) and a fuzzy steering wheel cover with matching dice... even though she doesn't have a car. After we went to Value Village to spiffy up our costumes for the 80's party that night, and we did quite well. Tyler also bought himself a pair of cool checkerboard-ish pants and he got Nick a shirt with fish on it. We left and I changed into my costume in front of a... I don't know, some store. And then Tyler took his pants off to change right beside a busy street. Farren's papa picked us up and we went home to get ready for the party. Farren and I wrapped Cassandra's presents, strange how they were "fallac symbols" and we left dirty little messages. We died our other half of our hair orange (Even though it looks more brownish-purple and red rather than black and orange) and left it in for too long, and ate some Taco Bell. Soon we were off to meet the guys half way for the party, and boy did they look funny. Nick was supposed to be a condom, but he was too hot in all that Saran wrap so we ripped him out so he just had it around his waist, but you could tell by the box of trojans. I think they were trying to go as a couple because Tyler was supposed to be a sperm, but Farren thought he looked more like a doctor. When we got there, we had to go to 7-11 to get tape since her decorations were falling down, and golly gee was that fun. We got back and at first the party wasn't too exciting, (not to metnion I could hear Mandy saying she didn't want me there) so we went upstairs and sat on the porch. We had the brilliant idea of roasting marshmallows so off we went to 7-11 again to get some... but we by accidentally snuck two Schmirnoffs into our sweaters so we had no choice but to drink them. We bought two bags of marshmallows so Farren looked really fat, then we "streaked" down the choo-choo tracks. When we got back the party was more lively, and it was fucking awesome! Drunk people are hilarious (especially Keira), and there was far too much that went on to list here, but it was the best party ever. Farren and I had to leave at a bad time, when things were going on... and we felt really bad. We didn't know what we could do to help, and we really didn't want to leave. Farren's dad was there to drive us home, and I wanted to get rid of the alcohol smell so I ran to Nick's fridge. I wasn't really thinking straight, and pretty much all there was was alcohol...so as dumb as I am a I grabbed the bag of milk and started drinking it. Nick's dad walked up behind me and gave me a really strange look. If either Nick or Cassandra are reading this, then now they know the same milk they may have in their cereal at this very moment, would be the same milk that I was drinking. Yum. We got home and we weren't thinking straight and didn't make much sense, then we went to NOT watch porn, but the T.V. was being a bitch and it was hard to find things that were un-rated. By the time we did, I was falling asleep and I think I may have zonked out in the middle of a sentence like I usually do. It was an awesome night though.

Sunday- We woke up...wait what did we do? I think we had breakfast and then Nick called. He was talking about all the hung over people and how it took a while to find the phone, and how Tyler apparently got REALLY drunk. He asked Cassandra if she was going to University or Christmas. he also said that Mandy now likes me, SCORE! We'll be married soon. Farren and I...what did we do? We went to Dairy Queen, and a police officer came over to us and we thought we were in trouble for littering, but it turned out to be my BEST FRIEND'S (sarcasm) DAD! You have to love Lauren don't you? We went to see Veronica but she wasn't home, so after chasing Farren's brother around and some misunderstandings, we did each others homework for a while, and I left around 9 or 9: 30. It was quite the awesome weekend.

Yesterday things happened that I am not allowed to repeat, but Kessie, Kevin, Patrick, Edgar (and Farren knows yet she wasn't there) know what I'm talking about. A HA HA HA HA....ha.

Today sucked ass, I had a horrible day that I don't want to talk about, but for all you people who do know what all the fuss was about, thank you very much.
Also we had dodge ball and although we won against our continued game, sadly we lost our next one, but we were so good! I'm very proud of our in-fucking-credible team, and I think we could have won if we would have tried harder, and if the ref didn't call it when Kevin stepped over the line.

Alright, I'm done. bed time.

My parents got home from Europe yesterday bearing gifts... odd gifts.
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