Dir en grey @ Zepp Nagoya

Apr 03, 2009 00:22

Why did that guy suddenly point at his T-shirt and start to tell me how it is Detroit Metal City, Krauser etc.? OK, so there was "Death Records" written on it, but why suddenly jump at a group of foreigners and tell all of that to me in particular? I sure as hell hope there is nothing about me that makes people think I'm a DMC-kind of... person? fan? what was it?! Damn, the Japanese are weird D:

And continuing about the weirdness of the Japanese, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ON TOSHIYA'S HEAD?! It looked like a white piece of cloth (almost towel-looking) tied around his head and the best part was that a knot was right in the middle of his forehead. Scary stuff, but it was hard to look away. Kyo got a new Adidas tracksuit, this time it's red xD Too bad I could hardly see the other three from where we stood.
Inconvenient ideal is a weird choice for the first song, but it's good nonetheless, so was Vinushka (despite the lulzy title it's an awesome song), Bogaboo and Toguro and Red Soil. And they played Obscure and Namamekashiki! Mr. Newsman was there too, along with Clever Slezoid, Hydra 666, ASOM and others. They played all Uroboros songs I think, but there is a bunch of songs there, and on earlier albums that I can't tell apart, so I won't even try. They also got interesting videos to go along with several songs, all are black-and-white.
The live lasted for about 2 hours and it was good, but I have to admit I've seen them being better.
Still the mystery of Toshiya's headband fascinates me 8D

dir en grey, live

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