OK, the subject of the entry is a shameless lie since I came back from the Netherlands two weeks ago. However, I didn't have an internet connection most of the time since my return so this is a "tadaima" post. Anyone missed me? No? ....I knew it >_>;
Anyway The Hague was really nice and it was great to see friends I rarely get to see these days since we live on the opposite sides of the world. Once again I didn't have time to go see Amsterdam, but I walked around the Hague a little and went to Mauritshuis and Escher museum. Here, have a random picture of the town ;P
I arrived back to Nagoya on Sunday morning two week ago and spent the whole day packing. I went to work the next day (my last day there!) and once I got back home in the evening I continued packing until 4a.m., slept for a couple of hours then woke up to pack the last of my things. I had just barely managed to seal the last of the cardboard boxes by the time the movers came. And I stayed up until midnight unpacking everything and cleaning my new apartment. I don't think my body ever hurt as bad before as by the end of that day ;(
Remember my magic D'espa box in the previous entry? Here it is all unpacked, but hardly in its most presentable state for the moment. With everything D'espa related I own I can make a museum. Maybe I should frame some pictures 8D
The rest of that week was spent settling down, getting my car (
so cute! ♪( ´▽`)ノ), buying new furniture etc. Last week I started a new job and so far let's just say that I am having the worst cultural shock ever. Five years too late! lol Seriously, I didn't have it this bad five years ago, when I first came to Japan, actually I don't think I even had any sort of cultural shock back then. I guess one company is different from another and academia is something entirely different once again too lol すごい異文化を感じてる。 Also a disadvantage of working in the car industry is that we don't get national holidays off (instead we get over a week long holidays in January, May and August) so today, while the rest of the country had the third consecutive day off, we had to work. Oh well.
Back to the topic of D'espa, I bought Angelo's Babel because it came with a ticket for an instore event this Sunday, but I'm not sure yet if I'm willing to go all the way to Tokyo for it. I want to meet Karyu, but if it's just him.... I'm not sure. And I'm not impressed with Babel at all. Kirito's voice is not my thing in the end and I can't help but wonder what My Strife would sound like if Hizumi sang it.