Feb 05, 2010 23:54
Today the bands played 8-10 songs each in exact same order as last year except there was no opening act. No Clear Veil, I was so glad I was spared the suffering I had to endure last time.
Sadie was first and for me the highlights were definitely Virtual Fakeman, Beauty Shadow and Meisai. Despite my dislike of the furi in general, I wish Mao did the ridiculous furi he used to do for Virtual Fakeman. It is actually fun, the audience keeps it up, but it seems he does not do it all now.
heidi started with 泡沫, but I haven't been keeping up with them lately and I didn't recognize most of the songs which does not mean I didn't enjoy them. They played new songs too and announced a one-man tour around the country in June.
lynch was the last band to play. They played Last Nite, I am sick b'coz I love you, Evilly and Adore. But no Cultic My Execution which was a little disappointing.
For the encore they played Roaring in the dark with Hazuki, Mao and Yoshihiki singing just like the last year. We wondered why they didn't choose another lynch song, but maybe it is just the song easiest to adapt for three such different vocalists. They all had papers with lyrics, even Hazuki. He said that it wasn't because he didn't remember the lyrics, but because he didn't remember how they were split between them and who had to sing which line xD
So that was my J-rock day and tomorrow is going to be my R-rock day, I am invited to a R-rock party where a guy is going to perform famous Russian rock songs. Among other songs I was also promised Leningrad and I will go if only to see Japanese people listen and enjoy them (maybe?). Not that they will understand the lyrics, but that's for the best 8D Oh, and the pancakes! There will be bliny ;D
Also today I turned 30. The number is a little scary, but who cares! I am ♪~вечно молодой, вечно пьяный~ ♪
counter culture,