Friday Afternoon, Xavier's School, New York

Aug 31, 2007 01:09

Scott Summers stood by as Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier removed the former's things from storage and loaded them into a truck. "I wish you'd stay."

"I didn't want to be here in the first place," Jean-Paul pointed out. "I did it as a favor. Also? Your de-brainwashing techniques suck."

"That was SHIELD. Not us."

"Close enough for government work," Jeanne-Marie--or was it Aurora?--called over her shoulder as she walked past with another box.

Scott glanced at her, then back at Jean-Paul. "I guess you're going back to Canada, then?"

"Actually, no. My sister is, but I've found I don't entirely hate teaching. And there's a school in Virginia in drastic need of a math teacher."

Jean-Marie sat down on the back of the truck and called to her brother, "You can get the last box."

Jean-Paul went to fetch it, put it in the truck, then came back to tell Scott, "By the way? That statue looks nothing like me. Goodbye, Scott."

"Yeah, well, we're going to have to get rid of it anyway. I wish you'd reconsider."

"Not going to happen."

Scott held out his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, Jean-Paul shook it. "Goodbye, Jean-Paul. Good luck."

x-men, jeanne-marie/aurora

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