Aug 05, 2007 01:44
oh livejournal! i had pretty much forgotten all about you! *hugs* how ive missed you so! i wrote in an analogue journal the other day, it was so wierd! im going to have to transfer it to digital right here and now.... its another poem:
The light is there, yet i refuse to see. *sigh*
where is that passion
the love for romance
i saw in your eyes
from across the room
the daisy chains of promices
the weak kneed kiss
the unsightly comfort
vanished and replaced by
the apathy
the apathy
the fear, worry, mind-killing disease
more deadly than an STD
and twice as painful.
contracted in the illusion of bliss
the sickness of lust
fulfilled by destruction
engaged by boredom
erected in silence
this wall.
and here is another one i call Vanity
like peeling veneer
pulled apart in strips
dark cherry red
and left in the rain
to dry.
oh livejournal!!!!!!!!! ive missed you horribly.... that bastard myspace sucked me away from you! i hate myspace! but... it does work, i cant deny that. i love looking back, rereading all these journal entrys... it shocks me sometimes that i could even write some of them... what or who was i channeling when i did? the beauty i forgot poured out of my soul! suprised and enlightened... all could be lost if not for you! and the record you've kept for me all of these years... i can look back on moments i would have forgotten! i can scan these archives and know exactly what was going on, on any particular day... and how fucking funny "what this place needs is giant closeup pictures of assholes, oh i see you already have some!" hahahaha! and thats just on the first few posts! who knows what else is lurking within the pages of my bizaare little livejournal... like stepping into my mind, if you dare... oh and alice, i sure hope you were serious about getting yourself some of those giant pix for yourself, cuz i havnt gotten you a housewarming present yet!!